regimental commands

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Re:regimental commands

Post by Bismark776 »

Yeah you got me pretty much correct. I guess the point about when commanders used line formation might make sense but that still leaves the times when your forces are moving more than 500 yards. Especially when you are playing the division commander level don't you think your brigade commanders should "be smart enough" to put their brigade in column, advance to a reasonable distance, and then change formation? And what about times you are marching on a position not occupied by the enemy but that you want to occupy for defensive reasons? I just think it'd be easier, command/control wise if the units could be put into one formation and ordered to change only upon reaching their destination (or when they get reasonably close to the enemy).

On a related note, I'd like it if there were "for this order only (much like the follow roads command)" option that would be "follow this order even under enemy fire" so that you would have to take control and relinquish control of your regiments every time you wanted regiments doing something while under fire and so that your AI subordinates could do the same.
Hancock the Superb
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Re:regimental commands

Post by Hancock the Superb »

I thought I said within 500 yards of the enemy!

Anyway, to disagree with your road column statement, if troops were fired upon, you can bet that their commander would halt the regiment and deploy into line! No troops were willing to go through a hailstorm of fire without firing (except the regulars - those boys are still the best of the heap! They'll turn around and just walk away from the enemy without firing a shot if ordered!)
Hancock the Superb
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Re:regimental commands

Post by Kerflumoxed »

Hopefully some consideration will be given to adding the ability to advancing the brigade in a column while in "line of battle without having to direct each individual regiment. I.E. each regiment is in a line of battle with each successive regiment aligned directly behind each other. (I would have to go through Gilham's or Hardee's to find the correct command.)

Also, the line of battle was normally based upon the regiment developing the line from the column on the leading company rather then development in the middle.


Jack Hanger
Fremont, NE
Jack Hanger
Fremont, NE
"Boys, if we have to stand in a straight line as stationary targets for the Yankees to shoot at, this old Texas Brigade is going to run like hell!" J. B. Poley, 4th Texas Infantry, Hood's Texas Brigade
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