Best Civil War game period!

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Best Civil War game period!

Post by Cleaburn »

Where else can you play regiment level.
or Brigade Level or division or even corp or a whole army in real time historical and maps that are detailed I know it is old but after being away and coming back if you like the Civil war period this is it and with all these mods think about where else can you go so i GUESS i JUST HANG AROUND HERE WITH REB AND THE MODERATORS and Davanci Pom and everyone Else.that's here. I wish everyone would return....And keep at it :(
Last edited by Cleaburn on Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Best Civil War game period!

Post by Davinci »

Cleaburn - The best part is that with the Map Making Tools - the game has an unlimited replay-ability aspect to it.

You should start learning the process, even if you choose not to make any maps, the ability to change or edit an existing map will give you hundreds of hours of enjoyment .

Sometimes just adding a lot of houses, barns, sheds and fencing changes the whole maps appearance .

The only true logic is that, there is no true logic!
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Re: Best Civil War game period!

Post by Chichetr »

Agreed! AGREED! I have played all of these games dozens and dozens and dozens of time, full battles as well as all the scenerios. It NEVER gets old.

Can't wait to see what Norb whips up for the new game!
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