Age and Experience?

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Age and Experience?

Post by Froody42 »

Hi all, I was wondering if this game would be good for my son. He will be turning 11 soon and is very interested in Gettysburg. He has been there with us and with school, he has watched the Gettysburg movie many times. He also loves playing PC and online games, specifically World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, and some Wii games. Neither he nor I have any experience with online war strategy games. Would this be an appropriate game for him? He is very interested in the tactical and strategical aspect of the Civil War, and I hoping to find him a game to foster this interest in history! Thanks.
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Re:Age and Experience?

Post by RDBoles »

Froody42, I was 12 years old when I got hooked on the old Avalon Hill's board game Gettysburg. This game is outstanding you can learn to play single player and get your feet wet and then try MP playing, the forum is most excellent.
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Re:Age and Experience?

Post by Mozirry »

Cant hurt ,have him play the demo and see if he can handle it
X Navy Seal
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Re:Age and Experience?

Post by X Navy Seal »


Your son might me a tad young for this game - not because of the mild violence but because of the complexities. However, I remember getting hooked on Sid Meier's Gettysburg when I was only 12-13 so it might be worth a shot.
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Re:Age and Experience?

Post by Chamberlain »


I agree with Mozirry , download the Demo and let him give it a try...

-Col. Joshua Chamberlain, 20th Maine

We cannot retreat. We cannot withdraw. We are going to have to be stubborn today
General Area
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Re:Age and Experience?

Post by General Area »

I'm basing this comment on my experience with Take Command: Second Manassas, but I think it is fair to say that many of the members of this community were also members there. I think you will find this community to be very courteous and helpful. Your son will be able to come here with any questions, even silly ones, and get some good answers.
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Re:Age and Experience?

Post by garyjd »

I would agree with trying out the demo. Follow the tutorial's instructions and build from there. With some explanation of the tactics involved you might be a little surprised how much one so young is capable of understanding. A game like this is a great tool to foster further interest. Do you remember those great David Greensopan maps in the American Heritage book on the Civil War? Those static maps were as close as we could come to having a game like this when we were young. ~Gary ... spnmap.jpg[/img_size]
grnspnmap.jpg (64.91 KiB) Viewed 409 times
Last edited by garyjd on Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:Age and Experience?

Post by Gfran64 »

What a great book. I still have mine. Thanks for posting it.

Greg B)
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Re:Age and Experience?

Post by kg_sspoom »

I bought a copy (book)recently and remember spending hours when I was a kid staring at those maps.
I say give him a shot with the demo and maybe he will become even more interested in history.
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Re:Age and Experience?

Post by Chamberlain »

I remember that book too.

How about this game ? Do you guys remember it ? I had it !!

Published in 1961 !!


:) :)

Last edited by Chamberlain on Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
-Col. Joshua Chamberlain, 20th Maine

We cannot retreat. We cannot withdraw. We are going to have to be stubborn today
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