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all ,and team chat in ,ingame chat, and ban vent

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 11:05 pm
by rckgunny
in the multiplayer ingame chat boths sides can see what they are saying , this is not good when confederate or unions side can know each others moves. whats called for is a keyboard button like ctrl-x to make it team only chat while in a multiplayer game , like the total war games which works very well, and no one needs ventrilo or anything else. ventrilo is sort of like cheating in an 1863 type game. now if this was a ww2 game i could understand the use of comms. but its not! i've installed ventrilo and followed the instrutions to set it up , did have it working one time , now all it does
is say it contacting server, but it never really does . besides ventrilo is really some thing that for a much more modern game such as call of duty or wwii online but we don't use ventrilo because we all use teamspeak, teamspeak is more ''user'' friendly. vent. is a program that is extremely hard to use if you're not running that program on the same computer with game. i use 2 computers whem i use comms.personally i don't comms. for SoWg because i navigate on the map and i have plenty of time to type in chat messages in the game, its not like if i'm driving a panzer or i'm flying a plane and i don't have time to type a message because things are move way too fast to type messages.
thats when comms come in handy!
now the ingame chat works good in sowg it just need team chat buttons.or maybe a chat box overlay up in the right top corner of the screen maybe even something with transparancy. it would be a great addition to the game. all multiplayer games have
chat boxes these days, and i'm sure you've thought about this.


Re: all ,and team chat in ,ingame chat, and ban vent

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 6:17 am
by ADukes
Team chat is on the feature patch list.

Re: all ,and team chat in ,ingame chat, and ban vent

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 7:37 am
by norb
I specifically did not include team chat. I wanted to force the teams to do private communication through couriers. Since so many want it, I will probably add it.

Re: all ,and team chat in ,ingame chat, and ban vent

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 7:46 am
by Garnier
Best would be to make it an option for the host to set. :P

Re: all ,and team chat in ,ingame chat, and ban vent

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 8:26 am
by duncan
Rather than team chat i would prefer free typed courier. The problem with couriers is to find the right message in a treeview not easy to use, but if we can type the message and send it by courier it would be great.

Re:all ,and team chat in ,ingame chat, and ban vent

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 8:52 am
by rckgunny
what do you mean through couiers, i don't understand, uh theres no way to send a chat message through the courier the messages are already made up norb , what i'm talking about is to quiclky be able to say to my or your teammates ''hey move you brigs to the left flank'' or charge! the 21 pa. brig from behind plz sir '' we need to be able to say in chat WITHOUT the other side hearing ''hey adukes can you flank those yankees from their left side'' the already made up courier messages don't say that. norb with all do respect, i've learned from playing wwii online that most ppl that play on computer have little or no military experience. some don't even iknow what a flank is, let alone what brigade or regiment is lol.and its taken me at least a full year to learn to get use to not saying stuff like ''look you stupid idiot! flank means either side of the enemy vehicle'', out of being frustrated with civilian personnel. because even though they are civilians they are paying customers 1st and formost, and above all. so , i've learned so much about playerbase in online games.THE MOST IMPORTANT thing is that the players having FUN is the most important thing , that they don't get frustrated with playing a game. its the thing that draws in a playerbase. and part of having fun is a player or [user] friendly interface onscreen. need i say more. i think not. i think what i've said here sums it up totally!

ty rckgunny
btw this took me 2 hours to type out for you
plz try to be appriative

Re:all ,and team chat in ,ingame chat, and ban vent

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:00 am
by rckgunny
ty duncan, i agree with what duncan just said that what i was trying to say. and again
thank you mr. duncan . and a big fat no! as far as it being the hosts discion. the players need to be able to talk to each othere FREELY without restricions.and player should aslo be able to fraternize in opposing chat with the enemy too


Re:all ,and team chat in ,ingame chat, and ban vent

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:27 am
by Rich Mac

If you add a team chat option please enable an option for the host to turn it off. That way, the courier system can still be used exclusively for those that want it.

rckgunny - I believe that I've heard that Norb is planning on adding free text into the courier system. He is just waiting to squash bugs before adding new features. So, the difference in team chat and free text couriers will primarily be a matter of message delay (which is realistic for pre-radio comms) and the possibility that the courier message will be intercepted by the enemy.

Re:all ,and team chat in ,ingame chat, and ban vent

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 12:20 pm
by rckgunny
ok you guys do what you want i'm too old and too tired to argue with you about it. i've said what you need to do if you don't want to listen to my adive fine . i don't care anymore. i'm too sick and tooo old as i've said, ok ?


Re:all ,and team chat in ,ingame chat, and ban vent

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 1:55 pm
by Taiaha
rckgunny, I think what people are saying by suggesting that the "free/team chat" function be an option that can be turned on or off is simply that it will ensure that players can have the kind of game that suits them. There are a lot of people out there who really like the historical authenticity of having to communicate with one another realistically (i.e. through couriers). Clearly you don't enjoy doing that, and that's absolutely fine. Once Norb gets around to adding team chat, and if he makes it user selectable, it will ensure that people can join the more historically realistic games, and you can join the kind of game you prefer, with all the chat functions enabled. No one is ignoring your advice, but simply trying to ensure that all gameplay preferences are catered to. The multiplayer aspect of this game is brand new, and still evolving in terms of what is working and what isn't, so I expect we'll see gradual change in this area in the future.