Bugles & Flags XIX

This is where our experts try to teach you the very flexible modding system for our previous release - SOW Gettysburg and its add-ons. It's powerful, but dangerous. Post your tips and your questions.
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Re: Bugles & Flags XVIII

Post by noonanda »

...the Pea Ridge Redux folder is located below the B&FVIII folder, and I don't know how to place the B&F folder below the Redux.

Your quoted message above explains the issues you're having. When you open the game the first screen you see is the Main Screen, it contains the Modifications Screen where you enable or disable and prioritize the mods available in your Mods folder. You obviously are aware of how to enable mods but missed the concept of prioritization. This is done by selecting the mod name and moving it up or down with the two priority buttons positioned in the lower left of the Modifications screen. Mouseover the buttons to see their function as demonstrated below.

Also, as seen below, enable only the mods you need to play a specific battle as many mods conflict with each other and can easily cause crashes, just as you have experienced with this report. Your log file has numerous errors caused by conflicts. You can have more mods enabled than I show below but you must enable them one at a time for new battle or map mods to determine which ones cause conflicts...It's a gradual learning process. Check your log file as you add mods to new downloads, it'll usually tell you what's compatible to what.
Reb in your picture you show a Ft Fisher Redux mod. Is that an OOB mod and a Map or just one or the other? either way can you post a link to it?
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Re: Bugles & Flags XVIII

Post by RebBugler »

Reb in your picture you show a Ft Fisher Redux mod. Is that an OOB mod and a Map or just one or the other? either way can you post a link to it?
http://www.norbsoftdev.net/index.php/ku ... ased#76482
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Bugles & Flags XIX

Post by RebBugler »

Version XIX v19.1 (April 1, 2020)

- Fixed visual issues with 'Fatigue Alert' toolbar graphics

Along with the issues that were reported a while back, I also found some other related issues that needed to be addressed, and were.

- Added the unitmodel.csv file to include TC2M sprites so the 'TC2M SOW Infantry Mod' shows the 'firing sprites' during their 'withdraw' and 'advance' engagement sequences
This upgrade proved problematic and is removed with the next update, version 19.2

- Other misc. edits and fixes to address minor issues and improve gameplay

Many of the changes came after changes with the SR1 toolbar (gui) were made. So, the SR1 gui evolved, but the B&F gui didn't. Now it has with this update.

Just replaced the March 27th update with this April 1st release, due to a small but critical issue that couldn't be ignored. For obvious reasons, these recent updates were delayed with the new website transition. Hope everyone's figuring out the new format, I'm doing the same. It's still a WIP, with improvements hopefully coming soon.

In the meantime, everyone stay well by staying away from people the best you can. Staying home and playing SOW games can actually be a life saver, in this Brave New World of survival by solitude.
Last edited by RebBugler on Sun Apr 05, 2020 1:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Bugles & Flags XIX

Post by RebBugler »

Update, version 19.2, April 3, 2020

- Eliminated the 'TC2M SOW Infantry Mod' adaptations, as they caused new found issues, and CDT
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Bugles & Flags XIX

Post by RebBugler »

Update/Upgrade Archives
Moved from Post 1 April 4, 2020

XIX Update, version 19.3 (September 7, 2022)
- Renumbered scenarios for clarity between other scenario mod
- Added infantry division level formation 'Assault Lines fwd 300 yards'
- Other misc. edits found since the last update

XIX Update, version 19.2 (April 3, 2020)
- Eliminated the 'TC2M SOW Infantry Mod' adaptations, as they caused new found issues, and CDT

XIX Update, version 19.1, April 1, 2020
- Fixed visual issues with 'Fatigue Alert' toolbar graphics
- Added the unitmodel.csv file to include TC2M sprites so the 'TC2M SOW Infantry Mod' shows the 'firing sprites' during their 'withdraw' and 'advance' engagement sequences Edited out with v.19.2
- Other misc. edits and fixes to address minor issues and improve gameplay DETAILS

XVIII Update, version 18.99, October 31, 2018
- Toolbar additions, line forward commands 'By Formation' for brigade and division levels - 500, 750 (division only) and 1000 yards.
- New CSA historically based flag finials assigned to B&F OOBs and OOBs included in the 2018 HD flag upgrade: Antietam, South Mountain, Prairie Grove, Pea Ridge, The Red River Campaign and Chancellorsville (Chancellorsville Extras mod). DETAILS
Update, version 18.98, October 4th, 2018
- Addition of nine new combination US National and Regimental flags ('NatRegt' designation) plus a new 35 star US National
- Regimental level US 1862 designating flags assigned to these OOBs: Antietam, South Mountain, Prairie Grove, and the Red River Campaign (XIII Corps)
- The 'Gettysburg Three Days' set of five scenarios, beginning with 'GB3D1-July1-Gettysburg Day One (C-Army)', has been revised and hopefully debugged
- New CSA flag finial replacements, loosely assigned by state...WIP

Update, version 18.97, August 29th, 2018
- The spiked finial used for all 26 if the US regimental flags has been replaced by a more historically accurate version
- Addition of twenty-two new combination US National and Regimental flags ('NatRegt' designation)
- Sixteen regimental level 1862 US designating flags made available for testing in sandbox DETAILS

Update, version 18.96, August 9th, 2018
- US designating flags now assigned to artillery batteries as to division and included in the Red River Campaign, South Mountain and Antietam OOBs; also new 'Gun' assignments
- The bronze eagle finials for all 26 if the US regimental flags have been replaced by spiked finials DETAILS

Update, version 18.95, August 3rd, 2018
- sixteen new USA designating flags included in the Red River Campaign, South Mountain and Antietam OOBs DETAILS

Update, version 18.85, June 24th, 2018
- sixteen new USA flags called from the Red River Campaign OOB DETAILS

Update, version 18.75, June 15th, 2018
- HD upgrade, three CSA flags replaced, plus one new, that are called from the Red River Campaign OOB
- Twelve new USA flags called from the Red River Campaign OOB
- New sandbox OOB, OOB_SB_Red_River_Campaign B&F. Still a WIP until all RRC flags are finished and added.
- Four redesigned replacements of recently upgraded flags DETAILS

Update, version 18.65, June 4th, 2018
- HD upgrade, sixteen CSA flags replaced that are called from the Red River Campaign OOB
- Incorporation of MIP Maps (mipmapping)
- Four redesigned replacements of recently upgraded flags DETAILS

Update, version 18.52, May 20th, 2018
- HD upgrade, sixteen CSA flags replaced that are called from the Red River Campaign OOB
- Four redesigned replacements of recently upgraded flags DETAILS

Update, version 18.48, May 1st, 2018
- HD upgrade, fourteen CSA and four USA flags replaced that are called from the OOB's listed below, including five new additions
- Inclusion of most OOB's using the present flags being upgraded: Pea Ridge, Prairie Grove, Antietam, South Mountain and the Red River Campaign. These OOB's are considered WIP until all flags are upgraded.
- Four redesigned replacements of recently upgraded flags DETAILS

Update version 18.31, April 7th, 2018
- HD upgrade, twelve CSA and four USA flags replaced that are called from the Pea Ridge 1862 mod
- Replaced the Pennsylvania Regimental flag

Update to XVIII, version 18.15, March 27th, 2018
- HD upgrade, sixteen CSA flags replaced that are called from the Pea Ridge 1862 mod DETAILS
- Elimination of the B&F SPLASH screens so SPLASH screens from other mods will display when B&F is enabled

Update version 17.99, March 1st, 2018
- HD upgrade, sixteen CSA flags replaced that are called from the Chancellorsville Extras mod DETAILS

Update version 17.98, February 17th, 2018
- HD upgrade, fourteen CSA flags replaced
- two new CSA flags, 1st Maryland and 1st South Carolina Regimental DETAILS

Update version 17.96, February 7th, 2018
- HD upgrade, sixteen CSA flags replaced
- fixed a casualty count issue with the new End Screens DETAILS

Update version 17.94, January 29th, 2018
- HD upgrade, five USA Regimental flags and seven CSA flags replaced; three new USA flags and one new CSA flag; Victory Conditions, scenario name, casualty totals and Difficulty Level are now included on all B&F scenario End Screens DETAILS

Update version 17.9, January 17th, 2018
- HD upgrade, twelve USA Regimental flags replaced DETAILS

Update version 17.85, January 11th, 2018
- HD upgrade, eight USA National and Regimental flags replaced DETAILS

Update version 17.75, January 6th, 2018
- HD upgrade, twelve USA Corps Designation flags replaced DETAILS

Update version 17.6, January 1st, 2018
- HD upgrade, sixteen USA Corps Designation flags replaced DETAILS

Update version 17.4, December 25th, 2017
- HD upgrade, sixteen USA Corps Designation flags replaced DETAILS

Update to XVII, version 17.2, December 20th, 2017
- HD upgrade, twenty-four USA Corps Designation flags replaced DETAILS

Update version 16.9, December 14th, 2017
- Replaced four flags with conflicting patterns to better standardize Corps designations DETAILS

Update version 16.8, December 4th, 2017
- Added eight new USA Corps Designation flags DETAILS

Update version 16.7, November 27th, 2017
- Added eight new USA Corps Designation flags DETAILS

Update version 16.6, November 19th, 2017
- Added eight new USA Corps Designation flags DETAILS

Update version 16.5, November 14th, 2017
- Added eight new USA Corps Designation flags DETAILS

Update version 16.4, November 1st, 2017
- Added eight new USA Corps Designation flags DETAILS

Update version 16.3, June 3rd, 2017
- 'Alert Bars' added to the morale and fatigue status condition bars DETAILS & SCREENSHOTS

Update version 16.2, May 27th, 2017
- Continuing toolbar upgrades, primarily toolbar button adjustments for appearance and clarity sake

Update to version 16.1, May 24th, 2017
- More toolbar upgrades DETAILS & SCREENSHOTS

Update to version XVI, May 9th, 2017
- Reorganized toolbar configuration, plus changes and additions DETAILS & SCREENSHOTS

Update to version 15.1, August 27th, 2016
- Fixed the instability issues

Upgrade to version XV, September 19th, 2015
- 8K texture sheets reverted back to 4K
- Reconfigured 'Battle Line'
- Round Top Scenarios upgraded
- Integrated terrain mod
- Changed firing sequence in unitmodel so the level 6 firing sprite now appears with advance and withdraw sequences

Upgrade to version XIV, July 24th, 2014

- All GB flags are now designed on 8K texture sheets for overall smoother play and better performance.
- Other improvements were implemented in the Drills and Gui.csv files.

Bugles and Flags XIII – October 30th, 2013 Update

- 150th Gettysburg Anniversary scenarios:
150th-GB01-July1-Gettysburg Day One (C-Army)
150th-GB02-July2-GB Day Two, Attack en echelon (C-Army)
150th-GB03-July3-GB Day 3, East Cavalry Field (C-Div)
150th-GB04-July3-Morning Standoff, Spangler's Springs (C-Div)
150th-GB05-July3-The Pickett Pettigrew Trimble Charge (C-Army)
150th-GB06-GROG-The Pickett Pettigrew Trimble Charge (C-Army)
150th-GB07-GROG-Gettysburg Day Three, ASSAULT! (C-Army)

- Reassignment of the Pennsylvania Regimental Flag. PA infantry units will now carry their state regimental flag and their distinctive US national flag with the PA state seal in the canton.

- Adjustments to the toolbar text to better align with the portraits area. This was done primarily to improve text placement on the Western themed toolbar with the soon to be released Red River Campaign 1864 map and battle pack. Prioritized below B&F, the RRC mod will be completely compatible.

- Additional minor gameplay improvements

Bugles and Flags XII - July 1st 2013

Patch 1.61 compliant
Portraits updated through the latest expansion, Brandy Station

New Toolbar Additions
Square formations are now added to the infantry and dismounted cavalry (Dcav) regimental level toolbars. This formation has been toned down from the Nap version of -250 to -150 (MeleeMod column, Drills), as ACW cavalry used pistols and also shot carbines from horseback at close range, so I surmise that breaking a square while remaining in the saddle would have been much less difficult in that era. Still, this formation will prove the best for resisting not only cavalry charges, but infantry charges as well. Most assuredly, a vital tool in the B&F arsenal.

All Rebel and Union Regimental Flags re-designed and in HD (High Detail).
All CS Flags in CV Extras are now represented in HD.

When B&F XII is positioned and enabled below CV Extras, all Rebel flags and all Union Regimental Flags will be replaced in HD.

Four additional regimental Union flags added - Illinois, Ohio, Wisconsin and Minnesota, and are included in all B&F VII OOBs that represent them...20 total.

Some new and re-released Rebel cavalry flags are now available to add to the latest release, Brandy Station.

Redesigned and new to B&F is the 75th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment state/regimental flag. Regarded as the state flag at the time, this representative flag (styled as the National Flag and denoting the specific regiment, honors, with the Pennsylvania state seal in the canton), was carried along side the National flag, and an additional third flag, called the regimental flag was sometimes included. Pennsylvania was the only state in the Union that followed this protocol of displaying three primary flags (since the SOW engine can display only two, the third optional regimental flag is excluded).
Pennsylvania battery commanders will retain the state seal flag from previous versions.

150th-GB01-July1-Gettysburg Day One (C-Army)

New scenario added commemorating the 150th Gettysburg Anniversary. It's revised from the 3 Day scenario series with new scripting (Yanks are tougher), plus historic objectives are included now. In addition it's not SR10, it ran fine for me with the stock ratio, usually 10 FPS and better throughout the 150 minute length. This is the first of a new carryover scenario series, hopefully coming soon through this thread, so practice and score big to improve your odds of winning Gettysburg for the South, YaHoooo!

Bugles and Flags XI - 13 February 2013

Patch 1.6 (coming soon) compliant
Portraits updated for next expansion due out early this year

New Toolbar Additions - detailed descriptions on pages 4 and 5 of this thread:
Revised Infantry Brigade Assault Formations
Artillery Brigade Force Move Command
Withdraw, JustRun -- split button

All Rebel and Union Regimental Flags re-designed and in HD (High Detail).
All Union Flags are now represented in the Bugles and Flags style.

When B&F XI is placed below CV Extras, many of the CV flags will be replaced in HD.

Splash Screens revised and updated to reflect new flag format.

Bugles and Flags v10 - 21 August 2012

Updated to be compatible with patch 1.5, including commander portraits for the next expansion.
Bugle calls are now significantly muted for more ambient effects.
Edited hold form formations narrowing the distance between rows.
New Division Assault Formations.
Smaller map icons for better alignment clarity.
Numerous fixes and minor upgrades.
Splash screens now represent all expansions.

Bugles and Flags v09 - 21 March 2012

Complete redesign of all flags. The flying carpets are replaced with newer, more cloth-like models. Also, performance should be much improved by condensing the graphics files from about 30 down to 4...kinda like texture packing.

Toolbar - New upper level commands for moving troops, all officers now can order formations and move entire Corps and Armies.

Completely compatible with patch 1.4 to 1.5...

Previous Post - September 2011

v08 Additions:
Default Keyboard layout added to Menu Options.
The command justrun, Ajustrun is available to move engaged units in and out of action.
New division level formations featuring division lines made up of brigade lines, rather than brigade double lines.
Detach and Guard command added to infantry toolbars.
Upgraded, more realistic courier message screen.
Edited unitattributes file to add more visibility options to be used with night to day designs.
Miscellaneous toolbar adjustments for more efficient play and convenience.


PC08-July3-Pipe Creek - Rebel Breakthrough (U-Army)

Originally designed for the PC map pack, PC06, 'Rebel Breakthrough' was scraped for not following the storyline of afternoon battles and CSA arrival times. Planned on more variants, but this one variant should be a fun challenge for most folks. With the design of this scenario, I wanted to give the Yankee folks some solid offensive action, since all the Union scenarios within the PC pack are defensive in nature.
Depending on time and feedback requests, I may design a Rebel version of this scenario...just ask.
BTW, you must have the PC map pack to play this scenario as designed.

This set of scenarios is the same as the release of 'Gettysburg 3Days Carryover', but with DRF included.
GB3D1-July1-Gettysburg Day One (C-Army) SR10 DRF
GB3D2-July2-Gettysburg Day Two (C-Army) SR10 DRF
GB3D2B-July2-Gb Day2 - Wolf Hill Line (C-Army) SR10 DRF
GB3D3-July3-Gettysburg Day Three (C-Army) SR10 DRF
GB3D3B-July3-Gb Day3 - Wolf Hill Line (C-Army) SR10 DRF
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Bugles & Flags XIX

Post by RebBugler »

Bugles & Flags - Features

Expanded Toolbar
The toolbar has been organized for fast command assignments.
Additional commands not found on the stock toolbar include:
* Advance – move forward yards indicated or to cover
* Advance Line - 4 brigade line commands
* Advance Line - 3 division line commands
* OOB navigation
* Wheel quarter turn
* Follow - camera moves with the unit; HITS on command
* Attackmarch – much better 'force move' control than TC because it requires far less micromanagement
* Move fast in attack column(s)...split command - column/run, positioned next to Attackmarch for fast assignments
* Zoom - available for ‘Friendlies’ and upper level commanders
* Hold form formations are separate buttons indicated in green
* Atcommon and Atcommoff - Officers' command to TC all their subordinates on or off
* Getaway - short retreat
* Bugle option - many buttons are split with the bugle call eliminated on the back split. This is provided to avoid the 'stacking up' of calls.
* Toolbar Left - Additional status data and Orders displayed
* Separate Charge Yells
* Command Map Button
* TC Officers - Officers' command to TC the selected officer and their subordinate officers
* justrun - destination retreat. For brigade level (Ajustrun) it can be used for a 'retreat to' line by selecting the destination, direction and formation prior.
* Attach units, officers' command that attaches all detached subordinates
* Many additional formations also available

Additional Bugle Calls - All bugle calls performed by RebBugler

Replacement and Additional Custom Flags - 352 Total

Sandbox OOB's
The included OOB_SB's enable Sandbox play with this mod, many are the same as the stock Sandbox versions, these end with DRF or B&F. One is modded for a brigade battery mix, BB.

Custom Scenarios
GB-DRF-July2-Little Round Top (C-Brig)
GB-DRF-July2-Barksdale, The Longest Charge (C-Brig)
GB-DRF-July2-Wilcox & Lang, 2nd Day (C-Brigs)
GB-DRF-July2-Little Round Top (U-Brig)
GB-DRF-July2-Gettysburg South, 2nd Day (Corps-USA)
GB-DRF-July2-Gettysburg South, 2nd Day (Corps-CSA)
GB-DRF-July2-Gettysburg South, 2nd Day CSA USA
GB-DRF-July2-Gettysburg South, 2nd Day-VP CSA USA
GB-DRF-July3-Pickett's Charge (Corps-USA)
GB-DRF-July3-Pickett's Charge CSA USA
GB-July2-Brinkerhoff Ridge-2nd Virginia (C-Reg) - Featuring 3 versions of the 2nd Va flag
GB-July2-Brinkerhoff Ridge-Greg (U-Brig) - A little different than the stock version
GB-July3-East Cavalry Field - Come On, You Wolverines (U-Div) - Some added sound effects
GB-July3-East Cavalry Field - Rummel Farm (U-Div) - Similar to the stock version
GB-July3-ECF1 - Rummel Farm (U-Div) SR1
GB-July3-ECF2 - Come On, You Wolverines (U-Div) SR1
GB-July3-ECF3 - Witcher's Probe, Rummel Farm (C-Brig) SR1
GB-July3-ECF4 - Stuart's Grand Charge (C-Div) SR1
GB-July3-ECF5 - Battle for Hanover Road (C-Div) SR1
GB-July3-South Cavalry Field - Boy Generals' Tigers (U-Div)
GB-July3-South Cavalry Field - In Rode the Six Hundred (U-Reg)
GB-July3-South Cavalry Field - Merritt's Tigers (U-Brig)
GB-July3-South Cavalry Field - Roll the Right (U-Corps)
GB-July3-South Cavalry Field - Take Back Our Ground (U-Corps)
GB-July3-South Cavalry Field - The Finale (U-Div)
GB3D-July1-3 Gettysburg Three Days (C-Army) DRF SR10

V08 Additions:
PC08-July3-Pipe Creek - Rebel Breakthrough (U-Army)
GB3D1-July1-Gettysburg Day One (C-Army) SR10 DRF
GB3D2-July2-Gettysburg Day Two (C-Army) SR10 DRF
GB3D2B-July2-Gb Day2 - Wolf Hill Line (C-Army) SR10 DRF
GB3D3-July3-Gettysburg Day Three (C-Army) SR10 DRF
GB3D3B-July3-Gb Day3 - Wolf Hill Line (C-Army) SR10 DRF

Version XIII Additions:
150th-GB01-July1-Gettysburg Day One (C-Army)
150th-GB02-July2-GB Day Two, Attack en echelon (C-Army)
150th-GB03-July3-GB Day 3, East Cavalry Field (C-Div)
150th-GB04-July3-Morning Standoff, Spangler's Springs (C-Div)
150th-GB05-July3-The Pickett Pettigrew Trimble Charge (C-Army)
150th-GB06-GROG-The Pickett Pettigrew Trimble Charge (C-Army)
150th-GB07-GROG-Gettysburg Day Three, ASSAULT! (C-Army)
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Bugles & Flags XIX

Post by RebBugler »

Administrative fix only - Edited the main post to reflect name change to XIX

Can't believe I missed this name change with the last upgrade back in April...I'll just blame it on Covid Fog :sick:

Just to be clear, this is not an update or upgrade, so no need to re-download if you have the April 3rd (last) update.
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Bugles & Flags XIX

Post by RebBugler »

This is not an update, it's just a renaming of seven B&F scenarios so they don't cause confusion with recently released 'True Ground SR1' scenarios, specifically, the one's that begin with GB3. So, to make the alphabetical listing in 'User Scenarios' clearer, the seven scenarios that begin with GB3 will include an underscore. For example, the first B&F scenario will be renamed from this, 'GB3D1-July 1-Gettysburg Day One (C-Army)', to this, 'GB_3D1-July 1-Gettysburg Day One (C-Army)', with the same renaming process applied to the remaining six.

Figured the best way for folks to make this change was to just replace the whole 'Scenarios' folder since most of these seven scenarios are carryovers and the carryover name is listed in the scenario.ini file, and also must be renamed for the carryover to function as designed.

Anyway, download and replace them if you want, it won't affect the scenarios at all either way, it just makes the scenario listing in 'User Scenarios' clearer. Plus, if I decide to continue to design some GB4 (GB Day 4) TG scenarios, it will keep all the TG SR1 scenarios together.

Unzip and copy into the 'C:\Matrix Games\Scourge of War - Gettysburg\Mods\Bugles & Flags XIX' folder...Overwrite the previous Scenarios folder:
The attachment Scenarios.zip is no longer available
(1.32 MiB) Downloaded 9 times
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Bugles & Flags XIX

Post by voltigeur »

Greetings RebBugler, hope all is well.
Question please, your last update states:

"XIX Update, version 19.2, April 3, 2020
- Eliminated the 'TC2M SOW Infantry Mod' adaptations, as they caused new found issues, and CTD."

I have the TC2M SOW infantry mod (v2.0) activated. (I am not using SR1 mods at present).  Should I de-activate the mod, or are the 19.2 notes referring to internal B&F adjustments only?

cheers Volt
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Bugles & Flags XIX

Post by RebBugler »

Greetings RebBugler, hope all is well.
Question please, your last update states:

"XIX Update, version 19.2, April 3, 2020
- Eliminated the 'TC2M SOW Infantry Mod' adaptations, as they caused new found issues, and CTD."

I have the TC2M SOW infantry mod (v2.0) activated. (I am not using SR1 mods at present).  Should I de-activate the mod, or are the 19.2 notes referring to internal B&F adjustments only?

cheers Volt
As you surmise, the 'TC2M SOW infantry mod' was not edited, the recalled FIX was only "internal B&F adjustments". So, treat the 'TC2M SOW infantry mod' the same as previously prescribed, both with SR1 mods activated or not.

As long as you have the latest B&F update installed, version 19.2, April 3, 2020, you should experience no issues and have the most recent upgrade. To check out your update status, start game and go to Modifications. Click on B&F to highlight its name and the Intro displayed on the right includes the update status.

Thanks for the report, hopefully this response clears things up for you and others that sometime find my utterances on the vague side. Image

Frankly, it's great to have any feedback on our aging and ailing forum, this place is getting lonely, especially since new members can't post and must resort to our Matrix site.  For me, this site feels more personal, despite its issues, whereas the Matrix site feels commercial.
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