On the fence, I have some questions

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On the fence, I have some questions

Post by ru_disa »

I played the demo and I love the idea of the HITS mode. I think it's a great and very original idea and it's my main drive for considering to buy this game. That being said, I have some questions about the demo; if you could answer them or if you could point me to some threads where these points have already been discussed, I'd be very grateful!

1) In the Division tutorial, I send courier orders to my brigades, but sometimes they don't react at all. For example, Avery's brigade is in my rear lines. I write an order to move to Smith's left flank. I watch the courier ride to Avery... and nothing happens. Why is that?

2) In the Brigade tutorial, at a certain point I'm ordered to move to the left flank of someone's artillery (I forget the exact words), but the position where this artillery actually is located is not specified! How am I supposed to know where to go? Note that I cannot see an objective marker or any visual clue anywhere around me.

3) When I add the "move at double time" line in my orders, I notice that sometimes that line is ignored and the units move at normal speed. Is there a specific position in the order composition where the "move at double time" line should go? What's the correct way to compose my orders, generally speaking?

4) Since I can only see the area around me, if I need to take my brigade or division somewhere else around the map, what's the best way to move around? I assume there must be a better way, rather than clicking 100 yards in fron of me, then again and again and again, until I get there... I mean, I know I can write an order to my units and tell them to go to a specific location on the map, but what about me?

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Re: On the fence, I have some questions

Post by mb213 »

I am sure that I am not the most qualified person to answer your question, but I will give it try until someone else chimes in. The are likely several reasons why troops under your command do not obey your orders: I would guess the most common reason would be the leadership quality of the units commander. Another reason could be the condition of the troops in the unit. When they get tired or over stressed they don't like to run, at least not in the direction you want them to. Also, while the unit may be under your command structure they may not be attached. The last part would be the fog of war designed into the game. Some times your digital troop commanders see things differently and take things into their own hands. The only way to insure troops do exactly what you want is to TC them.
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Re: On the fence, I have some questions

Post by RebBugler »

4) Since I can only see the area around me, if I need to take my brigade or division somewhere else around the map, what's the best way to move around? I assume there must be a better way, rather than clicking 100 yards in fron of me, then again and again and again, until I get there... I mean, I know I can write an order to my units and tell them to go to a specific location on the map, but what about me?
Use the Command Map for long distance movements, along with holding the Control key for following waypoints. The Command Map is brought up by the 'N' key, I think, I modded it to the toolbar since I prefer toolbar controls. Also advance commands are available that can be modded to the keyboard or toolbar.
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Re: On the fence, I have some questions

Post by Marching Thru Georgia »

First, welcome to the forum. I commend you on playing the game from a historic perspective. It is the way real men play it. :P
1) In the Division tutorial, I send courier orders to my brigades, but sometimes they don't react at all. For example, Avery's brigade is in my rear lines. I write an order to move to Smith's left flank. I watch the courier ride to Avery... and nothing happens. Why is that?
I am assuming you are using the orders from the Orders tab and not free texting them, (used for sending messages to fellow human players only), then it may be that you are not writing them in the correct order. In general the orders should follow this format:
1. move to a certain location, either via the command map or the location pick list.
2. face in a certain direction.
3. The brigade forms up in a chosen formation when they get there.
4. The commander assumes a certain posture, (attack, defend, hold at all costs, etc).
5. Use the road system to get their, (if necessary).

Those 5 elements can be placed in one order. The brigade will then begin moving as directed unless it is already engaged in fighting.

Here is a link to an old tutorial on how to use the courier system: Courier Tutorial
You will also find some other useful information for playing HITS in that sub-forum.
2) In the Brigade tutorial, at a certain point I'm ordered to move to the left flank of someone's artillery (I forget the exact words), but the position where this artillery actually is located is not specified! How am I supposed to know where to go? Note that I cannot see an objective marker or any visual clue anywhere around me.
The scenarios were designed based on the assumption that the player would be in a helicopter and could fly around and see the battery from above. As I recall it is north of you along the Wheatfield Road. You need to hurry.
3) When I add the "move at double time" line in my orders, I notice that sometimes that line is ignored and the units move at normal speed. Is there a specific position in the order composition where the "move at double time" line should go? What's the correct way to compose my orders, generally speaking?
Move at doubletime would be the last command in the courier order. It would be #6 in the above list.
4) Since I can only see the area around me, if I need to take my brigade or division somewhere else around the map, what's the best way to move around? I assume there must be a better way, rather than clicking 100 yards in fron of me, then again and again and again, until I get there... I mean, I know I can write an order to my units and tell them to go to a specific location on the map, but what about me?
Nope, that the way you have to do it, a few hundred yards at a time. If you reach a spot where you have a good field of view, you can click on a point that is a fair distance away.
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Re: On the fence, I have some questions

Post by ru_disa »

Thank you, Marching Thru Georgia. That clears everything up nicely! I'll take a look at the link you sent me. I have another question, actually: how much content do I get with SOW: Gettysburg? Would you recommend buying the base game or the 150th anniversay edition? Are there other advantages, besides more scenarios? Is there anything like an overarching grand campaign in the 150th Annyversary edition? What would I be missing out on, if I just bought the base game?

Also, one more thing: In your tutorial you said "I justify this as a substitute for couriers coming to me from my brigade commanders, updating me on the battle in their sector. That part of the courier system does not yet exist. Hopefully, in a later feature patch, it will be included."
This tutorial is old, though. Does this system exist now? Will I get updates from my subordinates? Is there a way to request a status update from your subordinates using the courier system? I couldn't find anything in the demo...

@ RedBugler: Thanks for the reply! I don't understand what you mean by "command map", though. I tried pressing N while playing but nothing happens. Do I need to activate a specific setting or something from the Options menu?
Last edited by ru_disa on Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: On the fence, I have some questions

Post by RebBugler »

@ RedBugler: Thanks for the reply! I don't understand what you mean by "command map", though. I tried pressing N while playing but nothing happens. Do I need to activate a specific setting or something from the Options menu?
Guessed wrong on that one, thought N would bring it up. But just so you know, THERE IS a Command Map available to provide large scale movements for any or all of your troops.
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Re: On the fence, I have some questions

Post by Saddletank »

IIRC the N key for the command map isn't in the default keyboard.csv settings. You have to add it yourself which I always thought was a failing of the game. It really ought to be in the default file.

ru_disa, if you are comfortable with editing game files, open your Scourge of War - gettysburg/Work folder in Windows Expolrer and look for teh file "keyboard.csv". It's most easily opened with Excel, but I believe Open Office will open it in a spreadsheet layout too.

Below the last line of data in the file add these three values to columns A, B and C respectively:

Map Move N AMmoveto

It's best to take a backup copy of teh file before you edit it. Just drop it on your desktop until you've tested that the updated file works in the game. Selecting a commander now, the hitting the N key should bring up the command map. You then click on it anywhere you need that commander to go. This just sends HIM, without his command, so to get them all to go, specify a formation for his division, brigade or battery and last of all whether it is to use roads and if it is to run. Note that running units for anything more than short distances will fatigue them and tired/exhausted troops are less effective in combat and prone to retreat sooner.
HITS & Couriers - a different and realistic way to play SoW MP.
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Re: On the fence, I have some questions

Post by Marching Thru Georgia »

I have another question, actually: how much content do I get with SOW: Gettysburg? Would you recommend buying the base game or the 150th anniversay edition? Are there other advantages, besides more scenarios? Is there anything like an overarching grand campaign in the 150th Annyversary edition? What would I be missing out on, if I just bought the base game?
I recommend you purchase the 150th edition if possible. That way you get a very wide variety of maps to play upon. Some of them are quite visually stunning. They all give many hours of great play, especially if you are commanding from the saddle.
Also, one more thing: In your tutorial you said "I justify this as a substitute for couriers coming to me from my brigade commanders, updating me on the battle in their sector. That part of the courier system does not yet exist. Hopefully, in a later feature patch, it will be included."
This tutorial is old, though. Does this system exist now? Will I get updates from my subordinates? Is there a way to request a status update from your subordinates using the courier system? I couldn't find anything in the demo..
At division level and above the AI will inform you when a brigade first sights the enemy and when they start shooting. The unit which is just below your level will ask for help when they sustain 1/3 and 2/3 casualties. The AI supplies no other information and there is no way to request any.

It becomes very important for you to find a good vantage point where you can observe as much of your fight from one place as you can. When you can't see part of the battlefield, you have no other choice but to ride over and see how things are going. As you can see, TCing regiments is only practical if you are a brigade commander. Above that and it becomes impossible to micro-manage your men.
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Re: On the fence, I have some questions

Post by ru_disa »

OK, thanks for clearing it up. Yes, I noticed that your subordinates send you reports when things start to get bleak. I tried again the Division tutorial yesterday and the Corps tutorial the day before, and I got utterly destroyed... I guess I'll have to look up the forums for some good strategy tip.
I have to say, though, playing this game HITS style really gives you a unique and visceral experience. When you look around the battlefield, zooming in with your binoculars trying to get an idea of what's going on, you really get a sense of the slaughter on the battlefield. I think this is the first strategy game that ever made me pause and contemplate the scale of the massacre happening around me... Wow!

Saddletank, I haven't try editing the keyboard command as you suggested, but I will as soon as I can get back to the game in a few days... Thanks for the tip!
Last edited by ru_disa on Thu Sep 25, 2014 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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