Hunt Them Down

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Re: Hunt Them Down

Post by con20or »

OK, i tested it with the TC on / off in the order.

The courier goes from me (Lee) to Ewell, and then from Ewell to his divisional generals. The order doesn't then get passed to the brigadier generals though, not sure what I did wrong.

It seems to work, but you shouldnt have to do it this way - good find Davinci.
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Re: Hunt Them Down

Post by Davinci »

OK, i tested it with the TC on / off in the order.

The courier goes from me (Lee) to Ewell, and then from Ewell to his divisional generals. The order doesn't then get passed to the brigadier generals though, not sure what I did wrong.

It seems to work, but you shouldn’t have to do it this way - good find Davinci.
OK, you have added in another step, by using the Corps Commander - I haven't tried that one, but I'll try it after posting this.

This is exactly how it should work with the Divisional Commanders; I'm not sure what you mean by that!

Basically, the game is following a step-by-step-process - by take-commanding - issuing orders - un-take-commanding. This keeps everything clear and hassles free.

I have never used the Corps Commander to move everyone at once, mostly due to the fact that he usually controls more than one division. I try to keep the divisions moving in the same general direction but on different roads.

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Re: Hunt Them Down

Post by con20or »

when the orders reached the divisonal generals, they should have spawned couriers to each of their brigade generals, but they didnt.

The division started moving instantly - another issue that you can see with division formation buttons.

No order should be carried out without receiving a courier - from brigade up.
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Re: Hunt Them Down

Post by Davinci »

when the orders reached the divisonal generals, they should have spawned couriers to each of their brigade generals, but they didnt.

The division started moving instantly - another issue that you can see with division formation buttons.

No order should be carried out without receiving a courier - from brigade up.
OK, I just tried it out…this is what is happening…..I think…..

There is not a command formation to move the entire Corps at one time, so the game is trying to move both Divisions using the Corps Commander.

The courier will ride to the Divisional Commanders – and they will move, but they are not sending out couriers to their Brigade Commanders.

This is what I meant by you adding in another step.

Send the couriers to the Divisional Commander one at a time!

Now, you can probably add this in the game but it would require you to edit the formations.csv file, and the couriers.csv file.

Why, not just send separate orders and avoid that problem?

The only true logic is that, there is no true logic!
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Re: Hunt Them Down

Post by con20or »

There is a command? Just order him to move his unit to x location. There are no corps formation so you dont need to specify one.

If I'm playing army general, i order the corps commanders, they order the division commanders. I know I can order them directly, but if i was doing that I would probably just detach them.
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Re: Hunt Them Down

Post by Davinci »

There is a command? Just order him to move his unit to x location. There are no corps formation so you dont need to specify one.
There is not a Corps Commander Formation - to move the units , so the units are not going to move in any logical order \ way, moving them by having them march in line formation is not a logical formation.

You would have to add this formation into the game to get the results that you are seeking!

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Re: Hunt Them Down

Post by con20or »

To be honest i never play as army commander - but the courier system should work properly so it's important to fix it for all levels.

I always assumed that after ordering corps commander to move to x location, that he would decide on the best formation. You could always give him a compass heading. Or hold at a location.
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Re: Hunt Them Down

Post by Davinci »

Understandable, the way that the game is currently set up works great for me due to the fact that I only play the game as Army Commander.

I have never used the Corps Commander to move his entire command along a single road. I prefer to have him split his command traveling on different roads, but moving in the same direction.

Example Picture below:
The attachment movingwest.jpg is no longer available
General Jackson – has command of two divisions, along with General Longstreet , bringing my total command too four divisions , under General Lee.

I’ll usually move Jackson ahead to act as sort of a scout, while moving his two divisions behind him, Johnson (blue arrow) will swing wide left moving west, while Ewell (red arrow) moves through the middle heading west.

I’ll then send one of Longstreet’s divisions along a different road system heading in the same direction as the other two divisions.

This should keep the enemy from moving around me, and this allows me to cover the entire map. Any sighting of the enemy by any division will allow me to shift any one of the other divisions to his assistance.

General Pickett usually acts as a reserve force, to move to the aid of any divisions that has suffered the most casualties.

movingwest.jpg (274.43 KiB) Viewed 220 times
The only true logic is that, there is no true logic!
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Re: Hunt Them Down

Post by con20or »

so do you ever use the corps commanders? or you deal directly wit the divisional generals.
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Re: Hunt Them Down

Post by Davinci »

so do you ever use the corps commanders? or you deal directly wit the divisional generals.
I prefer to use the Divisions only, and only use the Corps Commander as a scout, or a waypoint .

By keeping them away from everybody, I can send a courier to any brigade - as move to rear of General Jackson.

This way I'll let them determine the path, while I concentrate on the fighting.

The only true logic is that, there is no true logic!
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