Playing the Original MP Game

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Jack ONeill
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Playing the Original MP Game

Post by Jack ONeill »


After raising merry hell in the discussion area, I thought it best to compose myself and ask a meaningful question or two regarding MP.

Does anyone still play the original MP OOBs and such or has that been essentially phased out, so to speak, in favor of Brother Garniers Campaign and/or GCM? Not that I have anything against GCM. Far from it. Brother G and I go way back to the ACDN days, which he modded brilliantly to make it a much better game. Those of you who know me will remember I am an avid MP gamer, time permitting.
My question is posed because I have an even more limited time to game online than before. My work schedule runs from 2:00 to 10:00 in the evenings PST. Prime gaming time for y'all but I'm screwed. Also, I am typiing this at work, where I have literally nothing to do. This is not a laptop, it is a NetBook (remember those?). I am reduced to running the TC2M Demo on it. That is as much as it will do.
So, when I do have a short bit of time to play, I have to jump in with what is available. I don't have time to wait for a dozen guys to get set up. Not y'all's problem, it's mine. (BTW, no, I can't afford a new laptop.) So, just wondering if anyone still just jumps in and plays the "old set-up" or not.

Sic Semper Fidelis

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Re: Playing the Original MP Game

Post by NY Cavalry »

I still like playing the stock OOB's.

We even had a game a week or so ago on MP that we used the stock oob day one.

It is a little hard to get the other players to play anything other than Garniers Campaign. Garniers campaign has brought new players and helped out the MP community as a whole. There are players who still will play historically based oob's and scenerios.
Jack ONeill
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Re: Playing the Original MP Game

Post by Jack ONeill »


That's good to know. Maybe, if the Gods will smile on me a tad, I'll get a chance to play MP a bit soon. Thanks.

Sic Semper Avantis

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Re: Playing the Original MP Game

Post by kg_sspoom »

I have absolutely no issue playing stock OOBs and historical scenarios.
I definately miss using historical units.
Its just that no-one else really shows any interest in playing stock games.
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Re: Playing the Original MP Game

Post by SouthernSteel »

I don't have any problem either, but I will say that a number of the stock OOBs are somewhat limiting to even teams and a balanced game. Especially with some of the larger setups, the Confederates have a lot of troops under few commanders, which can be unfriendly in a balanced MP match because you either command a ton of troops or one brigade/battery.
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NY Cavalry
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Re: Playing the Original MP Game

Post by NY Cavalry »

The OOb's are not even. The new option to make the sides balanced has made the battles more even in numbers. In every battle I have read about, the sides are very very rarely even. Some of the great battles we remember are because the side with the fewer men won the victory. This is the case with many of the southern victories in the civil war. It can be more challenging when you are outnumbered.

I still like to see Archers Brigade pushing through the woods and running right into the Iron Brigade or the Texans pushing through Devil's Den. For me the historical OOB's are the way to go. I don't play as much as I used to online, but if I did I would insist on some historical OOB's

I made a historical OOb that I haven't had a chance to try out yet, it is the best of the south(Hood's Division and McLaws Division) against the best of the Union (6th corp units) and then I threw in some cavalry in to boot. OOb's like this are the closest thing to even sides when we talk about historical OOB's.

I think the biggest issue is with canister range at 200 yards and infantry rifles at 160 yards.
Last edited by NY Cavalry on Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Beef Stu
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Re: Playing the Original MP Game

Post by Beef Stu »

from what i can tell the Teamspeak channel we use to meet every night for the campaign is the best place to meet people for any kind of MP format.sorry if its not my place to make this suggestion but i can't imagine how many times someone has logged into the MP server and either sees no one or our horde in some huge battle.

Best advise for anyone out there that wants to play this game in anyway involving more then one player come to Teamspeak and meet,and you may even get some of us regulars interested in a change of pace.

or we sucker you into playing Garnier's campaign.
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Re: Playing the Original MP Game

Post by KG_Soldier »

I wonder if Garnier would/could make a battle generator which used historic oobs to make balanced battles but inserted the 220 yard rifles.

Because, honestly, I have no urge whatsoever to play with 160 yard rifles and 200 yard canister.
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Re: Playing the Original MP Game

Post by SouthernSteel »

Because, honestly, I have no urge whatsoever to play with 160 yard rifles and 200 yard canister.
Agreed, this is another tremendous drawback.
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Re: Playing the Original MP Game

Post by RebBugler »

Because, honestly, I have no urge whatsoever to play with 160 yard rifles and 200 yard canister.
Agreed, this is another tremendous drawback.
With patch 1.2, MP play is very mod-able. Adjusting musket ranges for the historic OOBs should be fast and easy. Haven't done it, so correct me if I'm wrong. Seems like just altering the Rifles.csv maximum range column to 200 yds. would do it.
Last edited by RebBugler on Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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