Anyone else getting arse's kicked here?

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Michael Slaunwhite
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Anyone else getting arse's kicked here?

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

I played the demo, won with absolutely no problem.

I buy the game(why in the world I would not buy this game is simply moronic, it's just fantastic), I am into the first scenario, and I am literally getting my rear end kicked and I mean badly.

Well, I will say with a smile on my face, that this game is well worth the money, every penny.

I've been a fool to have not purchased the game until now. My fears are unfounded where this great title is concerned.

Thanks allot the game.
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Re: Anyone else getting arse's kicked here?

Post by ADukes »

Take a look in the Command & Staff School subforum there are some useful tips.
Last edited by ADukes on Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Anyone else getting arse's kicked here?

Post by norb »

You better get in lots of practice if you are going to last in the lobby. Those guys are awesome!
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Re:Anyone else getting arse's kicked here?

Post by MikeCK »

Try some sandbox battles first. Brigade then division then Corps. This way, you can get used to moving units and issuing orders without a time constriant. I had kept up with your thread on the "Wargamer"...glad you decided to dive in!
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Re:Anyone else getting arse's kicked here?

Post by GShock »

Man, the first scenario is not that hard to handle but it still is hard to win. You need to practice with divisional command and you should start with the tutorial and get more of them done in sandbox where you can also setup different tactical situations and orders of battle playing with either side (the weapons used where NOT the same for each side).

Eh... patience is the key and once you learn to handle the AI you can hope to last some in Multiplayer. :)
Welcome onboard!
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Re:Anyone else getting arse's kicked here?

Post by Hyde »

Yeah, the past week or so has been absolutely brutal on me, in both single and multiplayer. I did great in the tutorials and the first couple of scenarios, but now whenever I play single player in any fashion (sandbox/scenario) I'm almost guaranteed to lose.

The worst part is, most times I just don't understand how I lost in SP, especially sanbox. Good morale and barely tired troops flee on a whim with full ammo pouches, enemy regiments just turn everything into a medieval styled battle by ripping my units apart in melee.

This is a very complex game, and the details you seemingly need to be victorious consistently are not easy to find or grasp. I feel as if I'm doing most things right, I successfully turn and deny the flanks, position the arty, rally the troops. But everything crumbles eventually and turns into a disaster. I definitely know how Lee felt when he realized Pickett's Charge was a failure.

Guess I just have to keep plugging away, and hope I have some tactical epiphanies.

Also, Norb is right. Most of the guys on multiplayer are awesome and tear me up and spit me out effortlessly. :) Be forewarned.
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Re:Anyone else getting arse's kicked here?

Post by GShock »

Ensure to make a good use of ground cover. Terrain tactics are the hardest thing to master but the buttons 7 and 8 are there to make your troops (or entire command) advance to the closest cover available ahead. Engaging from cover is a key factor to reduce your losses and another critical factor are the reserves.

Fresh and unscathed troops generally whip an opponent who was victorious on your first line. I find it sometimes more useful to keep a rgt in reserve rather than have it tire by flanking an opponent. I don't do that unless I really have to (i.e. I am flanked myself)

Most of the guys you see in here are old Tc2M grognards... that's why they kick ass. Been playing this game for a lifetime lol !
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