Most of you won't have seen this. . .

Let's talk about Gettysburg! Put your questions and comments here.
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Joined: Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:18 am

Most of you won't have seen this. . .

Post by Taiaha »

. . .because y'all are seasoned gamers and therefore don't need no stinkin manuals!

But I just wanted to say to the team, nice job on the manual. Very well done. It looks slick, but has a nice balance of general and specific information. Coupled with the tutorials (which are very good) this should be enough to help newer players navigate the rather steep learning curve here if they are coming from other types of games. I really appreciated the shout out to the SMG series and the Napoleonic games built on that engine. It is refreshing to see a set of developers who don't trumpet their work as revolutionary but instead frame it as evolutionary.

Writing a good manual is really, really hard, but you all did a good job with this one.
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Joined: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:53 am

Re:Most of you won't have seen this. . .

Post by DrMike1997 »

I Second the motion and call for a vote to the effect that the manual is great.
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