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Reply To Geronimo551

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:55 pm
by norb
Got a PM with some great questions. But it's not from an account here so I can't reply in the PM system. I could email, but the questions are good so I thought that it would be best to just write the response on the forum. Hopefully he'll see it here.
Hi, Team Gettysburg up-coming release ! What type of tactical behavior will troops display? Some endless reloading? Top-break Colts exploding? Individual soldiers breaking ranks and advancing, runing, or falling to the ground? Will the Rebel Yell be authentic? re: Gettysburg veterans reunion 1938 (Civil War Ken Burns PBS.

Demo download ?

Retail price ?
People are saying, "The mods that they're working on, already look mouthwatering"

Will it have ' What are the chances of this game having intrusive DRM? '

What is DRM to y'all and exactly how will it help you ? I believe holding the MAPS is the KEY to finding the treasure ! Keep a weather eye on yer maps, Mr. Christian !

Re: Reply To Geronimo551

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:06 pm
by norb
I'll take on the tech questions and let the rest of the team fill in their parts. VonViper can tell you about the Rebel Yell. Jim probably knows the rest of the design questions best.

Demo download - definitely!

Retail Price - around 40 maybe, not really sure, we have only researched ways to sell it. One thing at a time. I have to focus on finishing first, then I'll look to selling. We have some good ideas and some very good people advising us.

Mods - I think Derek did some Nappy mod stuff, but I didn't know it was out. I'm wondering if they are confusing it with tc2m or just our Gettysburg screenshots. We don't as a rule write the mods ourselves. We just make sure that it's possible for other's to write the mods. It is usually a little while after the game release until we can document and publish the SDK.

DRM - There's really no chance of it having intrusive DRM. But the problem is that's a matter of opinion, what's intrusive? I honestly doubt we have the budget to get intrusive DRM even if we wanted it. If our DRM installs anything anywhere except for our game folder, we will let people know. I seriously doubt that it will, because I always like to be able to delete programs by just deleting the folder. That stuff is for big budget games in retail stores. We'll have some sort of protection, not sure what yet. But it would not be considered intrusive as far as I am concerned and unless things change drastically, it's not going to install anything outside of our game folders.