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American Civil War Online Role Play Game

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:27 pm
by GeneralRASomers
Hello all,

I am Andy Somers, and I run an online forum Civil War game based largely on Decision Games War Between the States. A committee and I have modified the rules a great deal from the original game to make it suitable for role play and changes from an IGOUGO system to a WEGO system.

The game is in its 5th month now (Turn 15 coming up, late April 1862), and we have been immune to the in-fighting and flaming that seems to kill other forum based games thus far. We have a dedicated group of players (right now about 3 on each side), but have room for a few more dedicated gamers who are willing to try something new. It's been extremely fun for most involved thus far. Not perfect, but very enjoyable and quite historically accurate.

If you think that you might like to give it a try or just want to lurk and check out the forums and such, our site is at:

Please drop by and pay us a visit!

Andy Somers