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New computer built now SOW won't boot

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 10:19 pm
by Chichetr
Hey guys,

I built myself a shiny new computer and downloaded all of my SOW files to the new they won't even open. I click on the icon and I get the black box and it immediately CTD.

Can someone please help? Was hoping to play the new ground mods today in honor of the 2nd day of Gettysburg!

New computer built now SOW won't boot

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 2:14 am
by RebBugler
You can't copy the files between computers to get the game to work...It must be installed. If you haven't, register your games with Matrix, here's the link:

Once registered, you can download and install any of your registered games as needed. No problem with Mods, simply copy/paste between devices.

Didn't even think about this being the 2nd Day of Gettysburg anniversary...Duh :S
Just been featuring this date, July 2nd, in the TG scenarios for months...and not a thought as to its arrival. Anyway, thanks for the reminder, maybe next year I'll feature something on this date...If my mind doesn't slip too far. :ohmy:

New computer built now SOW won't boot

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 3:29 pm
by Chichetr
You are the man, thank you so much Reb!!!!

I do have Matrix dashboard and see all of my SOW games there. Not sure if I'm registered or not? 1.6 is the latest game, right?

So I should just fresh install and see what happens?

New computer built now SOW won't boot

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:12 pm
by Chichetr
That did it reb!!! A fresh install was all I needed!

God I LOVE those "True Ground" scenarios!

With the new computer I have it's insane. I have a 3950x with 32gigs of RAM, 2080ti graphics card.

I pumped everything up to "best" and the game looks beautiful. Is there anything else I can pump up to get the best looking game. There were a few notes I saw that "lower this if you have a slow computer"....if I increase those values what would happen?

New computer built now SOW won't boot

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 4:59 am
by RebBugler
Good to hear we got you up and running, and, about your new rig. Thanks for the 'True Ground' promo, it means a lot considering the time and effort put into it.

No routes to make the game perform or play better, other than mods, that I know of. It's based on the 32 bit system, so can't take advantage of many 64 bit performance advantages of modern computers. Still, the better the rig, the better it performs, I know this for a fact since getting my new computer last year.