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cannot enter "lobby" for multi-player

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:50 pm
by El Swanto

I recently purchased the anniversary edition with he intention of enjoying multi-player games. When I deemed myself ready, I read the manual and followed the instructions for multiplayer.

After clicking on "create account" I then clicked on "enter lobby". I receive an error message there that says "not connected to server".

I opened a support ticket and was referred to a discussion on the manual which was nothing more than a recitation of what is in the manual. I am not happy about this.

I am hoping that this board will help me solve this problem and allow me to use what I have paid for

Re: cannot enter "lobby" for multi-player

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 11:51 pm
by chee
create lobby you should make sure the blank is filled not empty,,,name,,password will be posted together to make up a account,,,,then enter the lobby will auto enter your created lobby....
enter lobby >>enter room>>>start game with others
if it is IP,,,maybe start game like this:
join IP>>select officer>>>game will start when host set ok....

read game manual Page 28+ ,,, it is all about MP...