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Gettysburg 3 Days

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 3:17 am
by MLandini

I am playing this Mod as Federal Commander. On day 3, Confederate troops appear out of blue at key objectives, namely Cemetery Hill. It does not make sense since these areas are adequately fortified and surrounded in several layers by Federal units. Also, there was no inkling or observation of any Confederate advancement to these objectives.

Please advise.



Re: Gettysburg 3 Days

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 2:13 pm
by RebBugler
Assuming that's one of my scenarios, that wasn't scripted. All new troops enter from the edge of the map and march to the battle as per historic circumstances. Also, in between days during the night sequences no troops are scripted to move or be relocated. All I can think of is that some Reb troops were moving to the objectives as nightfall occurred and were able to slip through your lines because the visibility during night sequences is 30 yards...Units must literally bump the enemy to engage, or to be seen by the player. Then, at daybreak, as the visibility increases, the enemy will suddenly "appear out of the blue", as you stated.

Still, if you think there are issues beyond this explanation attach a save here and I'll check it out. Note any mods played along with it. BTW, is this the 'New Ground' version?

Thanks for the report...

Re: Gettysburg 3 Days

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 6:52 am
by MLandini

Yes - it was Gettysburg New Ground. Interestingly, the objective was completely surrounded by Federal Troops and the Rebel units appeared well after daylight. I will get the exact time it occurred and revert back.