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Minor Fault with OOB Save

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 6:06 pm
by mcaryf
I guess this is just for awareness as I presume it will not be fixed. If you use the OOB scenario save from the statistics section of the after game report it gives you the strengths of each unit at the time of the save. I use it as a way of storing situations at various stages of a battle so I can analyse changes without having to spend time reloading the original game saves. Units that have routed or been captured are often recorded by having their strength at the time they were routed or captured but with a zero in the morale column. Unfortunately this is not consistently true and I have found some captured units with a morale as high as 5 whilst other "5" rated units are still active. It is a pity this dump file is not consistent. It also seems to treat the player side skirmisher detachments as casualties from the original parent providing a partial list of the detachments at the end of the listing but few or none from the AI side although I know the AI has deployed detachments.

Given the inconsistent treatment, whilst I do find the file somewhat useful for my statistical purposes does anyone know what was the original intention for it?

