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Road Pathing Glitch

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:10 am
by 7th Wisconsin
Windows 10, Running SoW Gettysburg as Admin, Compatibility Mode Win XP Service Pack 3. Playing stock scenarios.

Having issues where units when given a movement order either in line or column formation follow a "road path" to the destination even where there is no road. Road path icons just appear in the middle of a field and the unit serpentines all over trying to get to destination.
When a unit is selected the Follow Road icon is not lit, upon issuing movement orders, the icon is highlighted. Sometimes de-selecting the follow road icon solves problem, sometimes is compounds it by selecting a road and marching across the map to get to a location 50 yards away.

Any help would be appreciated, took me a long time to get a computer that ran this game!

Re: Road Pathing Glitch

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:15 am
by Davinci
I think that this is a feature of the units-path-destination something!

Basically, if the units path is blocked by friendly troops or houses, structures, etc, the unit-path will kick in to try to move them from one point to the next.

As you have stated, sometimes Clicking the Road-Path-Icon, will disable this feature, sometimes Taking-Command of said unit and clicking the Road-Icon will disable this feature.

Sometimes, there is nothing that you can do that will stop the unit from taking the most ill-logical path from one point to the next.

If the area that I am moving to is sort of congested with troops or houses, I will manually move the units as close as possible in Column-Formation, and then select the Line-Formation to reduce them from having this problem.

*** If memory serves, this was added to the game to stop the units from walking through each other years ago.

*** Also - Make sure that you are Patched to the latest Version - 1.61


Re: Road Pathing Glitch

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 2:46 am
by Saddletank
It may also be map-related. Which map(s) does this happen on?

Re: Road Pathing Glitch

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 1:35 am
by 7th Wisconsin
So, took the game up again, got to Scenario 11. Road pathing is making the game just about unplayable. I'd like to delete and reinstall the game and hope that clears up my problem, but would like to keep my progress intact. Which file would I need to save?

In an unrelated question some terrain is described as Spare. As in Orchard, Fence, Open, Spare. What would that be?

Re: Road Pathing Glitch

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 4:33 pm
by RebBugler
The road march icon lighting up on its own sometimes when you move troops is a harmless bug, ignore it. Sometimes the pathing movements are ridiculous, we veterans of SOW know, but its not a glitch or bug. Learning how to find shorter direct paths to get around obstacles and engaged troops is part of the SOW learning curve. Some folks use waypoints by holding down the ctr key, or shift, I forget which...But it works, with proper micromanagement.

I balked in the beginning along with lots of folks about the NEW pathing scheme. It's not perfect, but it's a lot more realistic than before its implementation when troops marched aimlessly through one another.