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Fort Fisher Redux - released

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 1:45 am
by Crikey
Something new before I head back to SoWWL-based mods.

To avoid any disappointment please read the notes below before downloading.

Download - ... ux.7z?dl=0





Two maps to represent an approximation of Fort Fisher and Confederate Point. PLEASE READ the further notes section below before playing/downloading.


- Ground texture and terrain upgrades.
- Gorgeous new models and sprites by Pom.
- Some Hi-def flags from by Rebugler's B&F mod.
- Some new building textures.
- Some new portraits.
- 2 scenarios (prefix FF).
- It makes use of some files from MTG's Maps & Couriers mod.

FURTHER NOTES - Full disclosure

A warning.

Do not play these maps in sandbox. Use the scripted scenarios for single player or make your own for multiplayer purposes.


First and foremost this mod is an experiment to see what can and cannot be done within the SoWGB engine to represent a combined operation by naval and land-based forces. Given what SOWGB was originally designed to do, it's no surprise that the engine appears to have some limitations.

Of particular note are

- the inability to stop the AI from entering some zones - namely the Atlantic and Cape Fear River.

- the inability to stop a sprite from moving so as to represent fixed artillery. I came up with an alternate solution.

I tried numerous options, adjusting movement rates, putting 3D objects in place to block movement. All failed to deliver an ideal solution so I've had to fall back on workarounds.

You will therefore need to manage closely the deployment of your troops to avoid them straying into the sea/river as you'll suffer big movement/fatigue penalties if they do.

These limitations combined with the nature of the map means it has a limited shelf-life and is best suited to scripted scenarios. Feel free to make your own. I'm no Rebugler but I've provided one to represent the attack on the fort, and another to represent a fictional attack by the Reb forces to counter the Union landings.

Take it or leave it. B)

THE SHIPS - these come in a few types. Some have working artillery but only as part of the scenarios. NB - They are presented in normal running order as this looks better than bare-bones cleared for action mode.

FURTHER CREDITS - Pom for the new sprites/ships and testing. Martin James for suggestions and testing.

Re: Fort Fisher Redux - released

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:53 pm
by Martin James
This is a really nicely-presented mod on an unusual subject - an assault on fortifications by a naval-landing force.

I really enjoyed testing it.

Thanks a lot Crikey.

Martin (J)

Re: Fort Fisher Redux - released

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:31 pm
by Pom
I'll echo Martin's commemts. It's an interesting mod, well worth downloading.

Thanks Crikey.


Re: Fort Fisher Redux - released

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 8:24 am
by boogabooga51
I played the Union Scenario.

You have done a magnificent job. The new 3D models are amazing.

It's a perfectly believable beach assault on a fort, by whatever magic you have worked.

Re: Fort Fisher Redux - released

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 8:10 pm
by Crikey
Thanks B, for those kind words. Glad you enjoyed.

And, yep, couldn't have been done without Pom's new 3d models and sprites. B)

Hope it gives a feel for how the game might have been expanded had there been some tweaks to the engine.

Enjoy the holidays.

Fort Fisher Redux - released

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:42 pm
by 141_pa
I hate continuing to be this person, but does anyone have a link? 

Fort Fisher Redux - released

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:31 am
by roy64