Gettysburg 3Days - New Ground

This is where our experts try to teach you the very flexible modding system for our previous release - SOW Gettysburg and its add-ons. It's powerful, but dangerous. Post your tips and your questions.
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Re: Gettysburg 3Days - New Ground

Post by Gerry »

I have played this once through to get a feel for whether there is any sort of advantage from trying to take ground or hold it, and I find there isn't. So, I am going to play it through again, at the highest difficulty level, and record the whole thing, with the intent of beating your "Bar". The biggest problem is managing artillery. My experience is that trying to move the artillery by battalion is problematic. Any suggestions?
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Re: Gettysburg 3Days - New Ground

Post by RebBugler »

I have played this once through to get a feel for whether there is any sort of advantage from trying to take ground or hold it, and I find there isn't. So, I am going to play it through again, at the highest difficulty level, and record the whole thing, with the intent of beating your "Bar". The biggest problem is managing artillery. My experience is that trying to move the artillery by battalion is problematic. Any suggestions?
Alright, looking forward to hearing about your progress. :)

The command 'tcofficers' is the best way I've found to move artillery by battalion, you move by formation then tcofficers to insure their complete movement to the end position. Tcofficers is on the B&F toolbar or you can attach it to your keyboard.

Good luck, er, Generaling, with your quest.
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Re: Gettysburg 3Days - New Ground

Post by Gerry »

Yes, I use that command. I find that the battalion simply does not respond. Sometimes I command the battalion to move forward in column and then put the battery into line when it gets close to its assigned position. But simply taking control of the battalion commander, positioning his destination, and telling the battalion to form line doesn't work, most of the time.
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Re: Gettysburg 3Days - New Ground

Post by RebBugler »

Yes, I use that command. I find that the battalion simply does not respond. Sometimes I command the battalion to move forward in column and then put the battery into line when it gets close to its assigned position. But simply taking control of the battalion commander, positioning his destination, and telling the battalion to form line doesn't work, most of the time.
Getting division level movements under control using tcofficers is a sequence-timing thing. First TC the selected officer, issue 'movement to' and facing, formation...Then quickly select tcofficers. Maybe your sequence or timing was off, all I know is this works for me every time. Divisions go where I tell them to. I would have left this game long ago if I couldn't control MY unit movements. Tcofficers was a late control feature that came out in a patch well after the game was released. Before, we used to have to laboriously go around and TC each brigade officer after giving the initial orders.
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Re: Gettysburg 3Days - New Ground

Post by jozk »

I am really looking forward to trying this one out. Are new strategies possible with the size of this map?

Is there any way to get a longer time limit on it? I really appreciated the 11 hour extended version on original Gettysburg 3 days as it is so much to take in and pay attention to.

Really love reading peoples AARs of this too.
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Re: Gettysburg 3Days - New Ground

Post by RebBugler »

I am really looking forward to trying this one out. Are new strategies possible with the size of this map?

Is there any way to get a longer time limit on it? I really appreciated the 11 hour extended version on original Gettysburg 3 days as it is so much to take in and pay attention to.

Really love reading peoples AARs of this too.
I think you're in for a treat, the large map definitely allows for more strategies. And, as requested, I've edited the final end times adding three more hours, so both scenarios are 11 1/2 hours long with the attached download...

Unzip and replace the Scenarios folder (overwrite or rename previous)
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Good Generaling :)
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Re: Gettysburg 3Days - New Ground

Post by jozk »

Thank you kindly sir!

I'm looking forward to getting my teeth into this and will send word of my fortunes.
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Re: Gettysburg 3Days - New Ground

Post by mike1984 »

I plan on doing an AAR for this scenario. I don't have time to sit down for 8 hours and play straight through, so I've had to do it an hour at a time here or there. Currently it's just after dark on July 1, and the rebel offensive seems to be winding down... finally. So far this has been an awesome experience, between the playability of the scenario script and Mark's new Gettysburg map.

Thanks again for this scenario.
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Re: Gettysburg 3Days - New Ground

Post by RebBugler »

Quote from Mike's thread
Still working on this. Turns out I need to fall back *farther* that I thought to force the rebs to disengage after the night sequence. But I do have another suggestion: make the nights last a little longer. If a player doesn't want to wait them out, they can always speed up the game clock. But the night time is critical for re-positioning after a long days fight. Without that ability, it kind of takes away from the feel that this is a multi-day battle.
As per this request download and unzip, copy Maplocations and Battlescript into the scenarios folder, Union version, overwrite or rename originals. These additions will extend the battle to nine hours, with 15 minute night sequences.
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Re: Gettysburg 3Days - New Ground

Post by mike1984 »

I must say, the service here is top notch! ;)
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