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Importing maps from TC2M

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:01 am
by noonanda
Hey all Hello from the Great state of Virginia,
Learning how to do some basic mods and I have a few questions for you. I have some maps from TC2M that I would like to use in SOW-G. 1) is this possible to do, and 2) what would I need to do to make it happen aka where do I need to put them so that the game sees the maps for sandbox. I put the maps in my mods folder and while i can enable them, they do not show up in the sandbox. I tried looking all over and did not seem to find an answer for my question.

This is crossposted from the Matrix games SOW subforums

Re: Importing maps from TC2M

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 2:11 am
by Davinci
I have some maps from TC2M that I would like to use in SOW-G. 1) is this possible to do?
The Maps from the previous game are not directly compatible with the "SOWGB" game without converting them over to the newer format.

So, yes it is possible to convert them if "you" know how to make maps.

Here is a Link to the Map making Tools that have just been released not too long ago! ... k-v2#75449

The Tools for making maps in "SOWWL" will work with the "SOWGB" maps.

The learning curve is not that hard but probably not something that you can do in a day or two.

It would probably be a lot easier to "Edit" an existing Map to get familiar with how the tools work, rather than trying to create a new map.


Re: Importing maps from TC2M

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 12:03 am
by noonanda
Thanks for the Reply, gonna try to make a Dense wilderness style map to use with the Overland Campaign OOB mod. Maybe I can load the Chancellorsville west and then extend it west and cut off the eastern part

Thanks again

Re: Importing maps from TC2M

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 5:51 am
by Davinci
Thanks for the Reply, gonna try to make a Dense wilderness style map to use with the Overland Campaign OOB mod. Maybe I can load the Chancellorsville west and then extend it west and cut off the eastern part
That would "Only" work if you planned on removing all of the houses and fences off of the existing map and added some terrain to the west of it.

Other-wise, adding anything to the North or the West isn't possible considering that that would change the current "height-field" 0,0 coordinates - which starts at the top left hand corner on all maps.

Now, if you are saying that you were going to start from scratch and add to the west then disregard all of the above information.
