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Problem with Ligny Battle 04

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:09 pm
by Awld Hooky
HELP !! :(

I've had this problem with the Ligny battle 04 a couple of times now but today's took the biscuit. I'm fighting an intense battle around a village on the left of the map and the Prussians form into squares at certain points. One of these squares glitches and the Prussians begin that old 90's dance "The Running Man" you know the one were you just run to the rhythm on the spot, that's fine, I'll just take advantage and shoot you to pieces ?? But Oh no !! They have also become invisible to my men, they wont shoot them ?? So OK because it's happened close to this spot in this village before in a previous attempt at this battle I just plan to ignore them and move forward, just let them sort themselves out eventually ? But Oh no !! Now 4 regiments of my army decide that looks fun and join in with the Rave and so all these regiments just begin dancing and screaming with euphoria :woohoo: , unlike me who has to divert my attention to trying to break up this madness which costs me a Victory Point I was trying to capture with a sneaky maneuver with a brigade to capture Bree !! Please Please Please can someone work on a patch or something to fix this problem and also the glitch when a unit decides to play "Ring around the Roses" around a building. It's a beautiful game but things like this are ruining my fun :angry: . I Thank You !!

Re: Problem with Ligny Battle 04

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 10:37 pm
by RebBugler
I really don't see any game issues by the screenshots. The enemy is in melee mode because your troops are among them. The issues you're experiencing with your troops in the first screenshot is because they are WEARY and TC'd, making them utterly helpless.

As far as this statement...
Now 4 regiments of my army decide that looks fun and join in with the Rave
...we'll need a save to check it out.
the glitch when a unit decides to play "Ring around the Roses" around a building.
Get a screenshot of this please, it might can be addressed if it's a loop that can't be broken, otherwise it's a temporary loop that will fix itself once a movement order is given.

Thanks for the report, but please turn down your embellishments with future game issue reports.

Re: Problem with Ligny Battle 04

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 2:03 am
by Awld Hooky
Sir I am offended by your condemnation of my post !! It is your forum, it is your game, I saw nothing in the rules on embellishing the truth with light humor ! I am the consumer/customer and as the old saying goes "The Customer is always RIGHT" ! Now to the matter in hand, I have taken the step of recording 2 short videos of the said issue and they can be viewed here :- if you can spare 20 minutes of your time, apologies for the roughness of the clips. You will see quite clearly this is not an issue of someone not knowing the mechanics of gameplay, I have been playing games long enough to understand a glitch when I see one. Your explanation was based on the screenshots so hopefully you will see from the VC that it was nothing to do with the fatigue levels of the troops, I sent fresh troops in and they would become exhausted from joining the square and doing nothing but run about on the spot, I surrounded the square with Infantry and some cannon and they did nothing, not a shot was fired, neither was the charge symbol present with some of the Infantry or the cavalry because they were not acknowledging the fact that this Prussian regt was present ! Unless they were drawn into the BERMUDA SQUARE !! Now as for sending you a save file, just tell me how and where to send it and it will be done.

Many Thanks.

Re: Problem with Ligny Battle 04

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 2:25 am
by RebBugler
Saved games info...

While in game save your game, go to Menu, name it. Close game and go to \Documents\SowWL\Saved Games. Open Saved Games and find your save. Zip it up and attach it here.

Re: Problem with Ligny Battle 04

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 2:49 am
by Awld Hooky
Thanks, here is the save file.

Re: Problem with Ligny Battle 04

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 3:09 am
by RebBugler
Checked out your video and I just think you're doing TC wrong. It's OK to force your troops into a melee using TC but when they make contact with the enemy you must TC off immediately, or, they will be destroyed unless moved. I suggest attackmarch to force move troops to melees because it shuts off automatically upon contact and thus doesn't require as much micromanagement.

Forget a save, I'm almost sure by the video that you're using TC wrong by not shutting it off in a timely manner.

Re: Problem with Ligny Battle 04

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 12:42 am
by RebBugler
Follow up...

Used your save to try and replicate the issues you're reporting, but to no avail. Tried my best to set up the square melee scene as seen in the video but just couldn't make it happen. Maybe you hit upon an anomaly whereas a melee loop occurs and while in that state the unit can't be targeted.

Regardless, it appears you have found a bug of sorts, but I think it might have been created by your playing style, that is, having all your units TC'd. I know, sounds like a cop out, but I haven't ever seen or heard of the issues discussed here.

If I may, one last pointer in playing procedures. I see you use the Grog Toolbar. Note the red bugle on the menus, this is what I call a hot button. It's a stacked command consisting of attackmarch, run, and column. For moving fast from point A to point B, or moving fast to head butt an enemy unit, initiate melees, this is the button of choice.

Again, thanks for the report. You cooperated thoroughly and went overboard in demonstrating your issue. This is much appreciated, despite having to plow through and decipher your obviously necessary, embellishments.