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Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 10:43 pm
by RebBugler
Chickamauga Banner.jpg
Chickamauga Banner.jpg (178.05 KiB) Viewed 1494 times

Released for the 153rd Anniversary (2016) of the Battle of Chickamauga, September 18 - 20, 1863.
Been wanting to do this great battle for forever, now, with this excellent map by MarkT, I'm presenting the Battle of Chickamauga the best way I know, via historically based carryover scenarios representing both Union and Confederate perspectives.


- New Chickamauga map by MarkT (7.5 Mile)
- Map adaptations and additions by Crikey* SCREENSHOTS
- Map terrain transformations by Jolly
- Officer portraits added to OOBs
- Chickamauga end screens for scenarios, Richmond News for CSA
- Chickamauga splash screens
- Twenty CSA flags DETAILS and twenty USA flags DETAILS designed specifically for the Battle of Chickamauga

Chickamauga 3Days (C-Army)
Chickamauga 3Days (U-Army)

Released for the 154th Anniversary (September 18, 2017)
- Two 'Three Days in 10 1/2 Hours' Full Battle Scenarios
- Fatigue and Morale replenished at the end of Days one and two

Scenario Carryover Series:
CHI01-Three Bridges (C-Corps)
CHI02-Three Bridges (U-Div)
CHI03-Morning of the 19th (C-Corps)
CHI04-Morning of the 19th (U-Corps)
CHI05-Afternoon of the 19th (C-Corps)
CHI06-Afternoon of the 19th (U-Corps)
CHI07-Morning of the 20th (C-Army)
CHI08-Morning of the 20th (U-Army)
CHI09-The Finale, Afternoon of the 20th (C-Army)
CHI10-The Finale, Afternoon of the 20th (U-Army)
CHI11-Full Day Finale, the 20th (C-Army)
CHI12-Full Day Finale, the 20th (U-Army)
To play these scenarios straight away without the carryover numbers, simply adjust the pertinent line in the scenario.ini file (place a semi-colon ; in front of the 'CarryOverFrom=...' line).
Sandbox OOBs:
OOB_SB_Chickamauga (artillery battalions)
OOB_SB_Chickamauga DivArt (artillery included with divisions)
When left activated, this mod will make available four Chickamauga maps in Sandbox:
- [M] Ch Chickamauga (MarkT's original)
- Chickamauga - Days 1-2 (Before battle damage, breastworks east)
- Chickamauga - Night (featuring a starry sky)
- Chickamauga - Day 3 (During the battle, objects burning and, or broken, breastworks west)

Unzip and copy to the Mods folder (Unzips with 7zip, free download...)


Update 4.0, November 29, 2022 - Added missing screen graphic
Update 3.9, November 14, 2022 DETAILS

*Other offerings by Crikey include an optional map with all streams included and other variances, and, optional Chickamauga themed MAIN screens (found in the Graphics/Screens folder).
The original mini map is included now as an option. Also an optional mini map by Jolly is available, both options available in the Maps folder.
Optional files must be renamed as the original to take affect, renaming the original when applicable.

To add more flags and main character sprites via a companion mod click here for info and download link

Additional terrain mod by Jolly added July 19th, 2017 SCREENSHOT & DOWNLOAD LINK

Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 1:01 am
by Chamberlain
Great job Reb and MarkT !!

The map is awesome MarkT, and Reb when I used your Greatcoats mod, it looks really awesome...

The fall colors of the trees, the leaves on the ground and the Rebs with their coats on.... Wow !!!

The flags and Splash screens are really cool !!! :)

Keep up the great work guys, and keep them coming !! :) We are here to receive !!! ;) ;)

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:09 pm
by tominrichmond
Simple question, I hope... I have the mod installed and it's in my "Modifications" screen and activated there... but when I go to play it I can't find it in either "Mods" or "Other Battles"

Any ideas?

Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:19 am
by Chamberlain
Hi tominrichmond,

After you activate the mod, at the Main Menu, select 'Single Player', then 'User Scenarios', then scenario 'CHI01', which is the first scenario - Three Brigades (Union)...

Enjoy !


Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:59 am
by tominrichmond
Thanks, but no "CHI" scenarios appear in the User Scenario scene.

Could it be a download issue? Because even though the mod is enabled, there is no descriptive text in the window, like there is for other enabled mods.

Hopefully my attachments come through.

Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:25 am
by RebBugler
Once unzipped the file size is 148 MB. When you select the name of the mod in Modifications the Intro should be present.

Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:39 am
by mb213
I have been waiting for a Chickamauga mod for some time. This mod is awesome, thank you!

Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 10:02 pm
by tominrichmond
Apparently file is 147. Any ideas?

Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:47 am
by RebBugler
Apparently file is 147. Any ideas?
Maybe a corrupted download. Re-download and try again.

Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:01 am
by JC Edwards
RebBugler my ol' friend this is quite the treat. I commend you and MarkT both ...... any idea when we may see more scenario's?


The Mad One