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1815 campaign... with a difference

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 2:28 pm
by Saddletank
Our Peninsular campaign ran for several years real-time and covered over 30 battles from June 1808 to February 1809. It is presently paused.

Our 1813 campaign covered most of the month of May 1813 and generated about 15 battles. It too is paused for the moment with the French in a very strong position and the Allies collapsing and obliged to retire beyond the Elbe.

We currently have a small campaign running, entitled "Kleine Krieg" which involves four fictional petty German states and is uniquely being played out entirely as one large SoW scenario on the excellent 10 mile map.

The next project which will start when Kleine Krieg concludes will be set at the start of February 1815. Technically it is not "Napoleonic" since Napoleon will not be involved. He is still in exile on Elba. It is however based on factual events that very nearly resulted in a war between two formerly allied power-blocs and resulted from bitter disagreements at the Congress of Vienna. In our campaign Napoleon will remain on Elba and will not escape in March; instead, other forces are at work that will set former allies and friends against each other over issues of Prussian territorial expansionism and nationalism.

The map campaign will be played using Malcolm McCallum's excellent maps overlaid with a 10-mile hex grid to regulate marches. Turns and diplomacy will be conducted by e-mail via the game umpire (me). Battles will be resolved using Scourge of War - Waterloo using the KS Mod, HITS and couriers in our usual high fog-of-war format. In our MP battles players usually command a division from the saddle although new players are welcome to enter our games at whatever command level they feel comfortable - a brigade of infantry is often a preferred command.

All are welcome to play. Several German states are yet to be allocated to players although the major powers are all assigned. A moderate level of role-playing is preferred though it isn't essential. People who make an effort to role-play will, however, be rewarded with a more immersive and fun game experience.

The historical background to the campaign is here.

A technical thread outlining the design and key mechanisms is here. That thread is also for Q&A and for players to log in and express interest.

I shall endeavour to use this thread here to keep an account running of the political and diplomatic shifts as well as military movements and battles.

Please note that you will need to register (free) at the Kriegspiel forums in order to download the KS Mod and its subsidiary mods.

Thank you.

Re: 1815 campaign... with a difference

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:59 pm
by Saddletank

Re: 1815 campaign... with a difference

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 2:00 pm
by Saddletank

Re: 1815 campaign... with a difference

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 2:00 pm
by Saddletank

Re: 1815 campaign... with a difference

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:37 pm
by Saddletank

Re: 1815 campaign... with a difference

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:38 pm
by Saddletank

Re: 1815 campaign... with a difference

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:39 pm
by Saddletank