What to do if you drop or crash out of a battle

A multiplayer online persistence game for Scourge of War.
Lead your division from battle to battle where your casualties really
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What to do if you drop or crash out of a battle

Post by johnd5555 »

This is for new players, and amazingly enough, for folks that have been around for some time.

If you crash out of a battle... DO NOT just say, "aw shucks, that's too bad" and call it a night to check in the next day. PLEASE, try and establish communication as soon as possible, and inform your fellow players that you have crashed and they must look for and control your troops. In the heat of battle, it can be many mins that your troops are frozen and no one knows or realizes that you have gone. Not only are your troops in danger, but any troops around them have no support, no guns have your support, your entire part of the battlefield is at risk, and ultimately, the entire battle could be won or lost, as a result of your, what only can be interpreted as, selfish disregard for your teammates.

Do not walk away.... get back on TS as soon as you can and tell the rest of the command what has happened... even if you think it has been too long, and that surely someone would have noticed by now that you were not in the battle..... NOT SO.
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