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Artillery Mod

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 5:53 pm
by mcaryf
I am playing around with the rate of fire values for artillery to make it a bit slower as the guns would overheat and the crew would be exhausted if the current rates were sustained throughout the battle. I notice that there are two values for rate of fire one being noted as "Maximum". Can someone tell me in what circumstances the maximum is used and can it be under player control ideally with some sort of fatigue penalty if used excessively?



Re: Artillery Mod

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 2:31 am
by mcaryf
Another question so I will add it to this thread.

I tried to assign a cavalry unit to guard Wellington as part of my battlescript for the AI. What I observed was that my cursor as the French player came up with what looked like the "guard select" symbol and then the game crashed. It did this 3 times at precisely the time I had specified for Wellington to be guarded.

Should this have worked?



Re: Artillery Mod

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 2:46 am
by Saddletank
The maximum ROF for artillery (and muskets) is the IDEAL rate that the best crews can put out. To slow down the rate of fire lower the (I think) firearms value of the troops, or their experience, or both.

You can of course also just lower the ROF value. Remember that if you do, you need to increase the effectiveness and/or accuracy of each shot to compensate.

There is no way for a player to control the fatigue of artillery except to keep an uncommitted reserve of fresh batteries for use when the crunch time comes. AI cannot do this and will commit them as it wishes.

Can't answer your "unit guard" question I'm afraid.

Re: Artillery Mod

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:19 am
by mcaryf
Hi Saddletank
Thanks for your answers. Actually Wellington did keep a number of batteries as a reserve so that aspect is historic. However, I have not detected any adverse fatigue effects on artillery that stays in the same place just firing away all day like the Grand Battery.



Re: Artillery Mod

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:32 am
by Martin James
Yes, firing away all day without getting tired has always struck me as odd.

As you say, Wellington kept a reserve. And Napoleon had a larger one, even after creating the grand battery.

Adkin's book has a map showing when the batteries in reserve were committed. The reserve seems to have been used to rotate fatigued batteries out of combat in the course of the battle. But what wargamer is going to do that?

Martin (J)

Re: Artillery Mod

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 6:33 pm
by mcaryf
Hi Martin
Probably too much micro-management to watch for battery fatigue unless you have a multiplayer situation with an artillery commander.

The best fix is probably just to lower the actual rate of fire for artillery. You mention Adkin's book. He seems to be a bit unreliable in his attempt to quantify how many artillery rounds were fired. He quotes Mercer as saying his battery fired 700 rounds and then divides 700 by 6. There are two problems with this - Mercer actually only had 4 guns still in action by the end of the battle so dividing by 6 is wrong. More importantly I have a scan of Mercer's book and he actually said 700 rounds per gun not per battery. Now that does seem almost too high as Mercer's guns were only in heavy action for about 4 hours and his descriptions say that he held fire at times but I think Adkin under-estimates.

I have three new questions.

1) Why do various standard scenarios have Wellington's gun crews set to 10 when the French and Prussians have 30. I guess this means that Wellington's batteries will go out of action sooner. I have only just noticed this having added 6 extra batteries to my all day scenario and seen that the new batteries have 30 men per gun whilst the existing only have 10.

2) I have noticed in WL10 & 20 that one of Wellington's cavalry unit under Cram initially has an infantry drill setting and a Prussian artillery unit under Hensel also has Infantry drill settings - does this matter?

3) I notice that some units start a scenario in skirmish order. I use the GROG Tool Bar - apart from creating detachments is there any quick way to have a unit send out a screen of skirmishers?



Re: Artillery Mod

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:46 pm
by Jace11
Not sure if you're still working on your arty mod but I thought I'd offer this up...

There was a explosions mod for Gettysburg, called Gunsmoke by CoB4Texas ... okever150a

it has some nice effects which can be used for various sizes of shapnel explosions, I managed to get a couple of the nicer sprites working for WL (but credits to CoB4Texas though)


I think the files below SHOULD work, but I basically just ripped them out of an arty mod where alot of other stuff is integrated so, not certain.
The attachment is no longer available

Re: Artillery Mod

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:14 pm
by roy64
Nice one.

Re: Artillery Mod

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 9:13 pm
by mcaryf
Hi Jace 11

Thank you for the suggestion. I actually used the explosion for canister but made it an air burst so the French units get immersed in a shower of black particles. As they described Shrapnel as black rain I thought that was quite a good effect. It is probably less realistic than what you have offered but it is quite satisfying when you catch a French unit in the open and equally alarming if you are playing as the French. One of my problems with the implementation of my mod is that the AI does not seem to realize that its units are being destroyed by Shrapnel at ranges of 800+ yards because normally Shrapnel is fairly ineffective. In my mod that is one thing it is not!

