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Patch is Released

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 3:20 am
by Jim
Matrix has released the patch. You can install it via the 'Check for Update' button on the initial Matrix menu. Here is the full change list from the readme.rtf file. Please note that the text says version 1.0042 but the game says version 1.0043, this is OK.

V1.0042 – November 6, 2015
• Patch 2 Release
o Fixed a bug with building “best” detail level on MP map Options settings.
o Fixed a tooltip text error on the Status item in popup.
o Fixed language errors in WL03 text.
o Fixed the La Haye Sainte occupy bug reported for WL04.
o Added missing units in the scenario introduction text for WL01
o Fixed the bug where Probe button was in an incorrect location on the toolbar.
o Added missing unit status tags in languages other than English.
o Fixed a bug where the end of scenario time for MP02 was missing.
o Fixed a bug in cavalry column reserves formation.
o Fixed the bug with some missing cavalry division ammo wagons.
o Fixed errors in about-face flags for some LVL6 infantry and cavalry formations.
o Fixed the bug that caused the “Compose Courier Message” screen to close if a courier message is received.
o Added two corps level formations per army. Corps movement is now possible through the in-game context menu or via the movement map. The error messages in SOWWL.log are of no significance.
o Added an “Additional Details” option to the OOB screen in main game. This is also used to see the unit summary at the end of battle.
o Changed the “Compose Courier Message” screen so that full names can be seen.
o Changed tooltips to dynamically re-size courier window.
o Added a courier message “Send” button to the OOB window.
o Added the full manual in Italian.
o Corrected uniform usage issues with Dutch commanders.
o Implemented a new Line-of-Sight battle starting formation.
o Increased the starting distance for LOS Sandbox battles and road battles in the Sandbox campaign.
o Restricted the advance of scripted French officers in initial stages of WL06 so they don't approach too close to enemy lines.
o Changed the scripted formation for skirmishers at beginning of certain Waterloo scenarios.
o Amended some cavalry parameters to reduce unrealistic results in cavalry vs. cavalry melees.
o Updated the Windmill model.
o Fixed the spelling of a number of officer, unit and map names.
o Reduced the stance auto-activation distance to 150 yards from the enemy for all troop types. The player has maximum control at this setting. The player must decide if and when to activate the AI full control without using TC by choosing a stance which provides for greater control over cavalry and artillery.
o Improved cavalry movement, edited attack distances and damage calculations.
o Improved infantry combat maneuvers, square formation\leaving square and unit overlap when near the enemy.
o Improved square vs. cavalry dynamics: squares can be formed at smaller distances, but now cavalry can try to break them if they are still in formation phase (when there is at least one sprite in movement) and at short range.
o Improved skirmisher behavior and reduced the maximum number per brigade.
o Some improvements to the combined arms unit strength calculations in the campaign AI and also retreat/regroup time.
o “Hold to the Last” stance now forces fewer autonomous movements by the AI for infantry and cavalry.
o Changed artillery wagon AI to auto supply batteries at divisional level.
o Updated the “Full French” mod to include corps fixes.
o Added a fix for the British/Prussian artillery wagon sprite clash.


Re: Patch is Released

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 3:38 am
by Saddletank
Fixed the bug that caused the “Compose Courier Message” screen to close if a courier message is received.
Hurrah! Patch worth it for this alone ;)
Added an “Additional Details” option to the OOB screen in main game. This is also used to see the unit summary at the end of battle.
Yes! Very useful.
Updated the Windmill model.
Haha! Thanks.
Improved square vs. cavalry dynamics: squares can be formed at smaller distances, but now cavalry can try to break them if they are still in formation phase (when there is at least one sprite in movement) and at short range.
This sounds very promising, I like the idea of squares being vulnerable until they are fully formed. Sounds like an excellent change.

Thanks team.

Re: Patch is Released - But game crashes.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 7:01 am
by conjotter
My game appears to have updated OK but crashes when I try to select a scenario or the tutorial.

I thought maybe the patch didn't take, but after clicking the update button again it says I have the latest version.

The only mod I had selected was the grog toolbar. When I de-selected it the game still crashes after clicking on a scenario.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

Re: Patch is Released - But game crashes.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 7:16 am
by RebBugler
My game appears to have updated OK but crashes when I try to select a scenario or the tutorial.

I thought maybe the patch didn't take, but after clicking the update button again it says I have the latest version.

The only mod I had selected was the grog toolbar. When I de-selected it the game still crashes after clicking on a scenario.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
After you deselected the Grog toolbar did you exit the game then restart? If not please check again. Regardless, I'll have an update soon for the Grog toolbar that has been tested thoroughly with the new patch.

Re: Patch is Released

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 7:47 am
by conjotter
Hi Reb.

I've deselected the toolbar mod - I don't think that is the problem.

I've restarted my computer and reinstalled the patch two more times.

It just keeps crashing when I select a battle, a sandbox scenario, the tutorial or try to load a saved game.

The program worked fine before the patch.

Any suggestions?

Re: Patch is Released

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 11:55 am
by voltigeur
matrix version crashing for me too. See my report in nuts and bolts section

Re: Patch is Released

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 7:50 pm
by Saddletank

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Re: Patch is Released

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 9:39 pm
by Volunteer
The moment I read about the windmills in the patch notes, 'Tank, I thought of you and your suggestion! And they do look better. :)

Re: Patch is Released

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:46 pm
by mitra76
Here more in detail the AI changes: too long and technical to be in the read me, but here can help to take know the deltas; they're short descriptions of my notes, probably some of them mean nothing to you but other are more clear; the hold to the last changes can be useful to know during the game:

Campaign AI

• After retreating from a battle there is now an 8 hour delay before the next action can happen (reset from the start of a battle)
• AI decision to Retreat or Fight changed - AI now takes into account the composition of opposing forces - for example a mixed unit comprising infantry, cavalry and/or artillery can now decide to attack a stronger force composed of only infantry; or a cavalry force is now less likely to attack a similar sized infantry unit.

Divisions & brigades

• Divisional deployment orders no longer force a fortified brigade to leave the fort.
• Correction divisional play problem.
• Stance activation at brigade level reduce to an max of 150 yards from the nearest enemy: more control on the units until the last especially for the artillery, to the player the decision to give a stance in advance to the unit in order to activate the AI control
• If the squares are ordered at brigade level, the battalions of brigade will not leave this formation automatically in any case

Ammo Wagon logic

• Ammo-Wagons will now automatically search-for, move-to and refill its divisional guns.

Movements and Overlapping for the infantry (note: part of these actions are processed only with a stance assigned)

• Inside the 200 yards range from the nearest enemy, the path is checked if the unit has a friend ahead of it: angle and distance of check are variable according the unit formation and distance (line is under a heavier control than column).
• Check of path for line or LOS blocked unit inside the fire area.
• If a brigade has at least 1 unit engaged, then the other units will naturally form their stance placement orders.
• A unit in line overlapping will progressively move back 10 yards or make a lateral movement left or right
• A unit in column overlapping will try to move 50 yards left or right or behind according to where it finds space.
• When an enemy is close, the distance to check for friendly units in front has been increased. In general this improves control of and close by friendly before a movement is authorised.
• The enemy distance modifier that controls deployment from march-column to line/attack-column has been increased.
• A unit will try a get away movement (avoiding S movements) when a critical situation develops:
1 At the end of a Fallback movement at place of run to the destination like before
2 overlapping, blocked and flanked at the same time
• The possibility of a unit stopping on-top of a friendly in a fire area has been reduced.

Infantry Tactics

• When attacked by a stronger force at bayonet the possibility of a runaway effect has been increased.
• Unit aggressiveness increased, especially against skirmishers and artillery. (More chance of a column attack).
• Short-distance approach works better if the path is free
• If there is space after a melee, a battalion can reform in-line.
• A square will break if it is charged when not fully formed (at least 1 sprite in movement).
• A square can try to form at shorter distances from cavalry
• Square will be not formed for long distance danger (>150 yards) if the unit checked is not in movement and it is not the direct target of moving cavalry
• The space checked around a square has been increased to 60 yards to reduce overlap possibilities.
• If a unit cannot form a square the following possibilities are available:
1 Search behind for the best defensive ground to run to.
2 Retreat or getaway after different types of morale tests or if still in march column and the enemy too near or charging and not possibility to deploy
3 If in line and volley ready, wait for release of volley.
4 Start running back if enemy not too close.
5 If charged when in column, then retreat.
• More flexible leaving square logic.
• Infantry that are near the enemy but cannot directly attack, will reform an assault column if the stance permits it.
• The action area of a brigade officer has been restricted (battalions sent less distant from the officer).
• Priority has been given to forward advance.
• The possibility of a more aggressive advance at short distances has been increased.
• Added the use of: lateral, lateral advance, pivot rotation in particular restricted cases.
• Columns, if no advance is possible because of friends ahead, can try, if the space is free, to move right or left of actual position for a range of 80 yards (at the condition they’re inside a range of 150 yards from the brigade commander)

Cavalry Tactics

• Attack range has been decreased to an average of 250; experience, horsemanship and edge-weapon increase this distance while fatigue and morale decrease it.
• More aggressive
• More fluid pursuit\melee routines.
• Cavalry can try and attack squares if the square is not completely formed and near to the attacking cavalry (50-60 yards at the moment to decide the charge).
• Checking for stop when friend in-front before an advance is improved (skirmsihers are ignored also if they're in the path).
• The sequence for a cavalry charge and getaway if charge not possible, has been improved.
• Improved melee results for cavalry melee

Skirmishers tactics

• During a pursuit, skirmishers will not move too far from the parent unit, if they do they will return closer to the parent unit.
• The number of detached skirmishers from a brigade has been limited to a reduced number defined from the stance (from 1 to 3-4) at the same time.

Artillery Tactics

• An artillery piece that is limbered but the battery is in action will search for a more open location if it is not possible to deploy in perfect line without overlap (stance related)

Hold to the Last tighter control

• Hold-to-the-last control is now much tighter, being much closer in operation to the unit being TC'd (please note that hold-to-the-last and all-out-attack are the only stances where the AI has no autonomy). The following changes have been implemented:
1 No automatic movement when in enemy proximity but out of target range apart from reforming the brigade line.
2 Squares will remain in formation even with no cavalry near, only returning in line if underfire.
3 Wheeling while under fire is not permitted unless flanked (valid for units in brigade player controlled).
4 Cavalry will not attack until the target is under the 100 yard charge range distance.
5 Advancing fire and other offensive movements are blocked when in musket range.
6 Volley fire will only be released at the perfect distance or until the unit is not under direct fire.
7 No skirmishers

Re: Patch is Released

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 12:25 am
by roy64

Ammo Wagon logic

• Ammo-Wagons will now automatically search-for, move-to and refill its divisional guns.
I've seen it happen sometimes in the main Waterloo battle but unfortunately I'm not seeing this in the sandbox battles. In the sandbox battles the Ammo-Wagon stays still, so when the infantry runs out of ammo they have to go & find the Ammo-Wagon. :(