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Any A+ custom scenarios out there ??

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 5:56 am
by JohnVW
good evening...I was just thinking of all the "custom scenarios" I've created (and we've played) over the last few years, and was wondering:

- how many of you also spend most of your time playing your own battles?
- if you have any that are particularly fun, challenging, etc. is there a way to "share them"? (it's only 6 files assuming we have the same maps/expansions/etc.)
- I know that when creating one that "we humans" will play vs. the AI, I always have to (a) set my system/game options to 5 for the AI aggressiveness and (b) edit the scenario.csv file, and "crank up" the AI's exp a few levels and also adjust their style to "5/6" (to ensure they don't spend too much of the time sitting around) also helps to remove the army commanders, that way the AI doesn't waste way too much time sending/receiving orders and will "get in to the game/battle" right away

any thoughts?

Re: Any A+ custom scenarios out there ??

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 2:19 pm
by taffthomas
I have learned a lot from just that post

Re: Any A+ custom scenarios out there ??

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 1:39 am
by the reb
I have also wonder why there are not more scenarios written.

The only thing I have to offer would be "SandBox" Scenarios which I have a good collection saved and would actually be easy to dulpicate. For example, the one map that has the Fredericksburg Town to the east. I have two scenarios, "Take Fredericksburg" and "Defend Fredericksburg". You keep restarting "Sandbox" until you get the correct troop placement,(each end of the map) then use your imagination to get your troops in order and the result...a degree of fun....I saved the scenario and then rename it everytime I wish to play it. The downfall is, the more you play, the better you get get the picture? A Sandbox created scenario could easily be emailed....

I would be veryinterested to play any of you Army -vs- Army Scenario.

Have great holidays....
the reb

Re: Any A+ custom scenarios out there ??

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:43 pm
by JohnVW
if you use the "custom Scenario Gen" (posted here on norbsoft) you can create just about any scenario you want, using any troops you want placed where you want...and if you need to fine tune "placement" even more, just use the map to find the exact coordinates you want...and then edit the scenario.csv file you created and place those troops there (the Q - R columns)...

if you're new to using the Scenario Generator, just create a "test folder" and copy those files into it, then just test things out without messing up the your editing, start a new game using you new scenario, see what works (and what you want to change), back out of the game, edit the scenario.csv file again, and go back in and see your results...PLUS, to play online vs other players they do NOT have to have your scenario (although it's only 6 files and easy to send via email), they just need to already have the map you used (and we also make sure we normally have the same MODS "turned-on", to be safe)...(and make sure everyone has the same version of SOW; everyone has the latest game "update")

Re: Any A+ custom scenarios out there ??

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:54 am
by the reb
I guess I didn't answer your thoughts...but thanks for the instructions. Getting into my years, I find it somewhat difficult to figure this stuff out. Time needs to be my friend because I do think there can be more ACW FUN ahead.

Does the CSG restrict troop number per side?

The one major drawback about playing your own scenario is the advantage is sorta know where the enemy is coming from. I wrote a many scenario in TS and HPS, that generator was somewhat easy to understand and that was 10-20 plus years ago.

the reb...

Re: Any A+ custom scenarios out there ??

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 8:42 am
by 2ndAcr
Scenario Generator has a Random start location you can use. I have used it in MP games before, nothing more evil than to have your 3 Corps start in 3 different locations on the map and have 1 trip over the whole enemy OOB while trying to group up.

The Generator is very powerful, you can also just use the Hunt Them Down option with no objective set up, then you can spend a couple hours hunting the enemy while they hunt you.

Re: Any A+ custom scenarios out there ??

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 2:23 am
by the reb
learning to use the Scenario Generator has now been added to my retirement bucket list....
once again, thanks

the reb

Re: Any A+ custom scenarios out there ??

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 5:03 am
by 2ndAcr
It is fairly easy to use, when we play MP, co-op against the AI, we usually field 60,000 men to the Rebs 80-90,000 using a slightly modified Peninsular 1862 mod that can be found in the mod section here.

Usually play 4 hour battles. Some can go an hour plus with hunting them down and such, some are the evil ones and one of our Corps gets smashed very quickly.

Re: Any A+ custom scenarios out there ??

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 4:36 pm
by JohnVW
we do about the same thing; maybe 3 corps totaling about 60,000 on our (human) side vs. 2-3 corps totaling about 80,000-85,000 on the other (AI) side...if we have actual players on both sides then we balance the troops...