Tutorial Help

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Tutorial Help

Post by CapQb54 »

Trying to do a brigade vs. brigade sandbox scenario using infantry only. Each time I end up facing an artillery unit, which simply runs back and forth. I'm trying to set up a basic brigade vs. brigade encounter. What am I doing wrong? I slected "brigade vs. Brigade in the setup. Is there something else I have to do? What about the "balanced" button - does that mean you'll face the same type of unit, or does it simply mean the numbers will be relatively equal?
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Re: Tutorial Help

Post by Leffe7 »

Balanced Forces means the enemy will be equal in numbers, not necessary in type.
While playing brigade vs brigade this might not help you much.
It is very useful for divisions and above. For example if you play a Confederate division (which is often quite large), with balanced forces you will end up usually against 1.5 up to 2 Union divisions.

To make sure you have a inf brigade vs inf brigade scenario you can
- Repeat creating sandbox battles until the enemy is infantry also.
- Edit an existing OOB (delete all artillery) and use that in sandbox.
- Create a scenario yourself manually: http://www.norbsoftdev.net/forum/modifications/54209-mp-scenario-creation-tutorial
- Use my Excel-based Scenario Generator: http://www.norbsoftdev.net/forum/modifications/57494-scenario-generator-for-scourge-of-war
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