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Some questions and Come on you Wolverines cavalry scenario

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:55 pm
by Stellar Duck
How on earth am I supposed to win this one?

I'm generally not very good with these cavalry scenarios but this one has me frustrated more than usual.

In the previous scenario as the CSA I only got a handful of guys to take the objective with but when playing as the Union they seem to be able to just throw thousands of horses at me while my men are scattered all over.

So far I've tried concentrating on the objective, lining up guys and cannon there but I just get swamped and all my men get captured.

I've tried sending out my horse men to attack them further away but they still just get captured. I've tried setting up skirmish lines and tiring them out but my men just get charged and captured.

It seems that no matter what I try they will simply throw thousands of men at me and overrun me by constant charges and captures. After the initial charge, generally, I have only D-cav left and they're gone after the next one.

I see that I need 3000 for a major victory but I'm struggling to get above a few hundred.

The point losses for having hundreds of men captured is pretty huge.

I'm simply at a loss for what to do! Any advice?

Re: Some questions and Come on you Wolverines cavalry scenario

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 1:07 am
by born2see
Calling JC Edwards... Calling JC Edwards...

Please help this man!


Re: Some questions and Come on you Wolverines cavalry scenario

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 4:06 pm
by Little Powell
Yeah, the cavalry scenarios are pretty hard. Not only because commanding cavalry is more challenging than infantry (yet a lot more enjoyable in my opinion), but these scenarios were designed for the seasoned veterans who have already mastered the 20 stock scenarios, and are ready for an extra challenge.

Hopefully JC will chime in soon, or better yet the designer himself.

Re: Some questions and Come on you Wolverines cavalry scenario

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 4:34 pm
by Stellar Duck
They certainly are harder!

I'm generally doing alright in them, though this one in particular makes me suspect that there is something I'm fundamentally not understanding about using cav. At least against the hordes of horses sent against me.

But the others have been enjoyable, if hard. It's a very different way of playing compared to commanding infantry and I like that. I'll add though, that there were some tough ones in the first 20 scenarios as well. 'On to the Round Tops' and 'We need those guns' spring to mind. Took me a fair few tries. Especially the latter.

Re: Some questions and Come on you Wolverines cavalry scenario

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:46 pm
by RebBugler
Well, had to rerun this one again to check if patches had made it too unmanageable, but no, got a 2400+ in my second attempt, 1st attempt was aborted quickly as I had forgotten some key elements for victory, mainly, keep the objective lit. :P

The strategy to victory here is simple, keep the Rebs back at least 200+ yards from your Objective. First off you must block out the initial charging Rebs...go to them to get them stopped as far out as possible. In the meantime consolidate other forces as necessary to the objective radius.

It's up to you to figure out the details, who blocks out best, who to consolidate, when, establish a sound defensive perimeter, execute efficiently and you'll have your Major Victory.

Clue: Play it historically at first, Wolverines charge ahead and are supported on the flanks.

Re: Some questions and Come on you Wolverines cavalry scenario

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:46 am
by Stellar Duck
Thanks for the reply!

I must admit that I'm unsure how to accomplish it. That's very much some of the stuff I've tried, but my cav just get's completely swamped. Without being sure of the numbers, it seems to me that they have at least twice the cav companies that I have, so I'm unsure how to stop them.

In any case, I am enjoying these and I thought I'd let you know. Not an unhappy user here. Just a rubbish cavalry commander. :)

I'll give it another go tomorrow. I also start two weeks of holidays tomorrow so there'll be time aplenty to crack this one. I just got a major victory on Tigers on the Left. It was a lot easier when I noticed the cavalry in the forest. :D Still, managed it after a few tries. Only three more to go aside from the Wolverines one!

Re: Some questions and Come on you Wolverines cavalry scenario

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:53 pm
by Stellar Duck
After many attempts with my highest score being 150 I think I must admit defeat. :)

This one and the second to last (Farnsworth I think) simply has me dead in the tracks. I've scored MV in all the rest but these two are simply beyond me.

Re: Some questions and Come on you Wolverines cavalry scenario

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:35 am
by RebBugler
After many attempts with my highest score being 150 I think I must admit defeat. :)

This one and the second to last (Farnsworth I think) simply has me dead in the tracks. I've scored MV in all the rest but these two are simply beyond me.
Too bad about Wolverines, but with a 150 top score, and with MV's on all the rest, something seems amiss. The good thing about trying to beat this scenario is that if you lose the objective for more than a couple of minutes in the first 10 minutes of play, you can just start over. Once you get through the first 10 minutes successfully it's much easier to hold on from there. And once you do get a good start, SAVE GAME. Then you have a new starting point if things go amiss later on.

Regarding Farnsworth: Have you tried it with the '3 squadrons option' that's an option at the beginning of the game? ME over to the objective to the south, activate it, and your regiment is split into 3 squadrons. This is the option I did best with.

Re: Some questions and Come on you Wolverines cavalry scenario

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:38 am
by Stellar Duck
Weirdly, after giving up I decided to give it another go, just for old times sake. Just got 2600.

And I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything fundamentally different. I tried to deflect their initial attack at a distance while setting up in the field and then repelling the second charge a bit shakily and then pulling back and laying into them with canister and parking my men behind fences as well as I could.

Re: Some questions and Come on you Wolverines cavalry scenario

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:14 am
by RebBugler
Weirdly, after giving up I decided to give it another go, just for old times sake. Just got 2600.

And I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything fundamentally different. I tried to deflect their initial attack at a distance while setting up in the field and then repelling the second charge a bit shakily and then pulling back and laying into them with canister and parking my men behind fences as well as I could.
Ha, hooked again. :evil:
Now you KNOW you can beat it, and you will with perseverance :) , eventually. :P