A trio of questions

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Lord Ashram
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A trio of questions

Post by Lord Ashram »

Hi all!

First off, I would love to get a chance to play a little multiplayer! Is there a list somewhere of game times?

Second, I am still having trouble with my cav. I was about to hit a unit of skirmish-order infantry in the flank with four almost fresh units of hussars... but just before they made contact, my cav turned and ran! Can anyone explain this? I know this is a traditional thing in this game, that cav seemingly can never make contact, but I thought that was fixed?

Oh, one last thing... I have the Road to Wagram and K mods installed... but is there an OOB with Russians currently in it? I didn't think I saw one, but...

Thanks all, enjoying it thoroughly!
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Re: A trio of questions

Post by Kerflumoxed »

Try this: http://kriegsspiel.forumotion.net/f32-scourge-of-war

It has various reports as well as scheduled battles. There is also a T/S available that will help get you.

Jack Hanger
Fremont, NE
"Boys, if we have to stand in a straight line as stationary targets for the Yankees to shoot at, this old Texas Brigade is going to run like hell!" J. B. Poley, 4th Texas Infantry, Hood's Texas Brigade
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Re: A trio of questions

Post by gunship24 »

The best way to get cavalry moving where you want is to Take Command of them. They should also be Fresh and have high Morale. Anything other than this and the cavalry performance will start to degrade, this was to simulate the one-shot effect of cavalry, and the 'blown' effect of the horses.

Other factors that might stop them are getting shot at, and also if the enemy engages a target itself then your charge might stop.
Lord Ashram
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Re: A trio of questions

Post by Lord Ashram »

Thanks for the link, I'll give it a look!

As for the cav... yeah, it was fresh; it had never fought and had been standing still almost the entire game. They ran a bit to get into the charge, but is that enough really to make them run away? They were still just about totally fresh, and would in real life have run over a skirmishing battalion of infantry.
Jack ONeill
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Re: A trio of questions

Post by Jack ONeill »

Lord A,

Cav are a bit difficult to handle. Had they taken any casualties from artillery fire maybe? Sometimes that makes a difference. Otherwise, it is sometimes luck of the draw as to what they do.

No there are no Russian OOBs...yet. I have done 2 or 3, but they are not compatible with the KS Mod, only Gunship's original NapMod.

Jack B)
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
Lord Ashram
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Re: A trio of questions

Post by Lord Ashram »

Thanks Jack. Yeah, I wish cav was a bit more reliable in this game, but I know the SOW engine isn't great for it. A shame!

Squares are more effective at holding cav off though? Or is it just for looks?
Martin James
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Re: A trio of questions

Post by Martin James »

Yes squares are much more effective at holding cavalry off. In fact a square will normally repulse cavalry, and a line or indeed any other formation will normally be defeated by it.

We are in final stages of testing a Russian OOB which will be included in the next version of MTG's KS Napoleon mod. The next version of Leffe's Scenario Generator will also include it.

Lord Ashram
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Re: A trio of questions

Post by Lord Ashram »

Hmm... I got the "active your account" email from the Krieg forum, but I get a 404 Not Found error when I try to click the link. That can't be good!

Thanks for the info... are the Russian sprites included in the package?
Marching Thru Georgia
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Re: A trio of questions

Post by Marching Thru Georgia »

Lord Ashram wrote:
Second, I am still having trouble with my cav. I was about to hit a unit of skirmish-order infantry in the flank with four almost fresh units of hussars... but just before they made contact, my cav turned and ran! Can anyone explain this? I know this is a traditional thing in this game, that cav seemingly can never make contact, but I thought that was fixed?
As a general rule, cavalry is quite dangerous. It doesn't act entirely like cavalry, because it is using the infantry AI, not one specifically designed for it. Nothing can be done about that.

The issue you had with the cavalry retreating instead of carrying home the charge mostly occurs when the player orders the unit to charge, bypassing the brigade commander. If you order the brigade commander to attack a certain position, he will order his men to do so and follow them into the charge. If he is not present during the charge, the cavalry unit may abort it. This is assuming the cavalry is fairly fresh and has good morale. Of course once you order the cavalry to attack, it may be nearly impossible to rein them back in.
are the Russian sprites included in the package?
Some of the sprites are in the current release. Once the new artillery sprites are finished and the new artillery behavior is finalized, the next version of the KS Napoleon mod will include a Borodino OOB.
I got the "active your account" email from the Krieg forum, but I get a 404 Not Found error when I try to click the link. That can't be good!
From the KS site: As an interim solution. Anyone receiving an email with a URL link starting “http://forum.kriegsspiel.org.uk/......” can edited the link to “http://kriegsspiel.forumotion.net/.....”
I can make this march and I will make Georgia howl.
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