Look what I found in the Woods....

Jack ONeill
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Look what I found in the Woods....

Post by Jack ONeill »

The attachment screen0080.jpg is no longer available

This is what happens when I am bored........Russians! (Sort-of). Since I can't do sprites, I'll use what else we have available. They are actually Wurrtemberg Light Infantry. Their uniforms are similar enough to Russians that, since we have a Russian Flag...Voila! I have Russian Jager Infantry, also. They are Wurrtembergers, (again). Wurrtemberg Jagers wore all Green, just like Russian Jagers.

So, The Infantry you can see. Cavalry - Hussars are Hussars, whatever. Russian Cuirassiers wore White, mostly, so I borrowed Austrian Cuirassiers for them. Russian Dragoons? Used Bavarian Chevaulegers in green, but I'm thinking maybe I'll go back to Austrian Chevaulegers in green. I think they look better. Also, Russian Uhlans - Polish Lancers. Some Russian Uhlans wore blue so there you go. Don't have any Cossacks.
Russian Artillery - went with Austrians since they were allies, for the most part.

Now, I have done an OOB, (of course). Used Nafzigers Winter Campaign 1806-1807. Have done the Russian 1st. Army in Poland, Bennigsen in command. Four Divisions. I've shorted the Russian Artillery A LOT, since they traveled with a HUGE number of guns. As it is, I've given them 2 Batteries of 12-Pdrs. Russian batteries have 12 guns each, so that works pretty well. Roughly 50,000 men, plus or minus.
The French - 2 Corps of the L'Grande Armee. Soults 4th Corps and Lannes 5th Corps. 7 Divisions - 5 Infantry and 2 Light Cavalry. Some 45,000 men, again plus or minus.

I CANNOT POST IT YET. I have changed a bunch of items in it, so I've got to go back and re-edit it back to normal so everyone can use it. If you can stand incorrect flags and such, I'll post it either tonight or tomorrow.

"Molon Labe"

Jack B)
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American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
Marching Thru Georgia
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Re: Look what I found in the Woods....

Post by Marching Thru Georgia »

Gotta put the artillery back in. The Russians did love their guns. So do I. :laugh:
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Re: Look what I found in the Woods....

Post by Saddletank »

They don't look half-bad!

Russian guns were green so probably the closest we have is the French. Uniforms are not that far off, apart from the colour, most obvious difference being the lower and wider-topped Russian shako. Its still close enough that I won't scream and rant about it!
HITS & Couriers - a different and realistic way to play SoW MP.
Jack ONeill
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Re: Look what I found in the Woods....

Post by Jack ONeill »


MTG - Yes, I've thought about it and I'm going to put in one more battery in each Russian Division. That will give them 36 guns each. The Original OOB calls for 60 guns in each Div.

Tank - I may go and trade out the Austrian guns for French ones to see what they look like in the game. It's a good idea.

Also, I got your PM re: the Invisible flags. There is no "file" per se. What I posted in the thread was what you'll need. Cut and paste the long "GFX_Ghost_Unit" line into the GFX.csv file with all the others. Then cut and paste, (or type it), just this part of the line (GFX_Ghost_Unit) into your OOBs to remove the flags from whichever unit you want. There is A LOT of typing there because you have to do it for each unit line you want to change. I cannot figure out how to do this as a Mod that would cover all units at once. I don't think we can.

Yes, I like the animated flags also. Same deal there - gotta change them by hand from the " _Unit" to the "_Flag_1806" or whatever.

I should do a thread on editing this stuff, since I'm doing it all the time.

Yes, they look pretty good.

NOW, if I could just get SOMEONE to do a small animated Russian flag for the Cav/Arty/Officers, that would be fantastic. :whistle:

BTW, the Russian Officers and the Austrian Officers look very similar, so they're okay.

"Molon Labe"

Jack B)

Okay - should have said the "General" officers look the same, not the Brigade ones.
Last edited by Jack ONeill on Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
Jack ONeill
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Re: Look what I found in the Woods....

Post by Jack ONeill »

The attachment OOB_SB_NAP_1806-07_SR8.csv is no longer available

Here is the original version of the OOB. As far as I can tell, I've set everything back to where it was - that is to say, all stock. No "Ghost" flags or Officer changes, as far as I know. Also, I've left in just the two Batteries each for the Russian Divisions (Sorry, MTG, I'll change it later). Also, the Russian Artillery is Austrian, still. Changing it to all French guns would have meant re-writting almost the whole OOB.
Everyone should be able to run this. There are no odd sprites to worry about you not having.


"Molon Labe"

Jack B)

All - Have re-edited the OOB (above) to include the following - Each Russian Division has an additional Battery - 12 6-Pdr Horse Guns - there you go MTG :), Russian Dragoons are now using Austrian Chevauleger sprites, (Better Green uniform color), all guns are now French instead of Austrian.

A note on numbers - I had to make an educated guess on Russian troops strengths. Russian Battalions almost never were anywhere close to their TOE strenghs so I averaged what I could. (Dave Chandler's number was about 500 men per, so I used his.) Russian Horse units were HUGE, so I may be off a bit there also. I couldn't find anything that had honest-to-God numbers so I went with what I had.

[The extension csv has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

Last edited by Jack ONeill on Wed May 01, 2013 6:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
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Re: Look what I found in the Woods....

Post by Saddletank »

MTG - Yes, I've thought about it and I'm going to put in one more battery in each Russian Division. That will give them 36 guns each. The Original OOB calls for 60 guns in each Div.
A Russian formation should have a good chunkj of its guns in reserve and these would sosmetimes not get used because the Russians were critical in their thinking of retaining a reserve to counter the French tactic of committing their last reserve to rupture the enemy line when it was weakest.

In wargames its always hard to represent the Russian sstyle of keeping one aarm tied behind their back and unless you're going to use player agreements it might be best to simply remove many Russian guns to represent them being held back under corps or army control and not being released.

I've seen so many Napoleonic 1812 table (miniatures) wargames unbalanced because the game designer didn't place any constraints on the Russian artillery reserve and it so often gets deployed early and smashes the French. Something has to be done to represent that in some way.
Also, I got your PM re: the Invisible flags. There is no "file" per se. What I posted in the thread was what you'll need. Cut and paste the long "GFX_Ghost_Unit" line into the GFX.csv file with all the others. Then cut and paste, (or type it), just this part of the line (GFX_Ghost_Unit) into your OOBs to remove the flags from whichever unit you want. There is A LOT of typing there because you have to do it for each unit line you want to change. I cannot figure out how to do this as a Mod that would cover all units at once. I don't think we can.

Yes, I like the animated flags also. Same deal there - gotta change them by hand from the " _Unit" to the "_Flag_1806" or whatever.
LOL, I can't find the thread now! Which one was it?
Last edited by Saddletank on Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
HITS & Couriers - a different and realistic way to play SoW MP.
Jack ONeill
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Re: Look what I found in the Woods....

Post by Jack ONeill »


Okay - I officially hate you now. Went back and changed some of the Russian Batteries from Austrians to French. Looks WAY better. Will finish changing all of them tonight and post the new OOB version then. LOL!

Here is the Info you need from the other thread.


Cut and paste this line into the gfx.csv file for the NapMod CSV files above or below where all the rest of the _Unit lines.

To have units without a flag, change the flag designator line in the OOB from Whatever_Unit to GFX_Ghost_Unit. This will remove the flag from whichever unit you want. You have to do this for each unit line. Lots of typing.

Remember, I use NotePad, not Excel. It should be even easier to do this with Excel. I have a problem with Excel so I don't use it. It's my brain, not the program.

OMG! I know exactly what you mean - I did 15mm Naps way back and HATED fighting the Russians. The Russian players would line up a zillion guns and DARE us to attack. Shattered Infantry and Cavalry units everywhere.

Am going to add the Horse Battery to the Russian OOB after I get the guns changed over all to French. Maybe posted tonight.

Bon Chance!

"Molon Labe"

Jack B)
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
Marching Thru Georgia
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Re: Look what I found in the Woods....

Post by Marching Thru Georgia »

Jack Lamented:
OMG! I know exactly what you mean - I did 15mm Naps way back and HATED fighting the Russians. The Russian players would line up a zillion guns and DARE us to attack. Shattered Infantry and Cavalry units everywhere.
Funny, I always enjoyed playing the Russians. A few batteries in front of the lines and a few batteries on the hills behind makes for a fine position when eating borscht and cabbages. :evil:
I can make this march and I will make Georgia howl.
Jack ONeill
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Re: Look what I found in the Woods....

Post by Jack ONeill »

I never painted any Russians. Austrians were easier - white, flat spraypaint - LOL!, then touch them up with black brushwork.

Things changed once I painted a Division of Cuirassiers. Use the Light Horse to screen them, ride to one flank, ride down and scatter the inevitable Cossacks, (useless against ANY real Cavalry), then roll up the Battery line. Their morale index could take the cannister fire and still charge home. Lotta good points there, taking the guns. :laugh:

"Molon Labe"

Jack B)

Note - almost finished with the revised OOB. Will post it tonight.
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
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Re: Look what I found in the Woods....

Post by Grog »

Great work Jack :)

Although, now I am gonna have to work on Russian portraits, also :angry:

With a green Tricolour, perhaps the Wurrt Lt inf sprites could be used for Italians too ??
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