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Real minor newb question - Prolly TC related ...

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:10 am
by JustinRice
Howdie folks:

First some short back ground - I played a bunch of the first TC game. Didn't play the second; just getting into SOW.

Also played Sid's Gettysburg a ton ...

So I plowed into this yesterday and ran through the tutorials. No problem. Then downloaded the big full-battle scenario (Because, of course, that's what I liked to SP most when I was playing SMG!)

On my first run through, this was the problem I encountered:

Davis and Archer chased away the cavalry - I did this with a lot of micromanaging regiments. Usually I would set the brigade commander off in a direction, get 'em in formation, and then micromange through contact.

But at some point (Actually as the iron brigade was running away), I lost the ability to use the brigade commanders this way - I'd move Archer, for example, to a spot, and hit column to get his guys to regroup, but none of the regiments would respond.

I'm guessing from reading this forum this has to do with the TC button, yes?

.... and since we're asking questions ....

In the scenario, Ewell of course is there on the far left flank. I sent him a courier that just said "Attack the enemy in your front," but he never moved. I was just trying to get him rolling, figuring I'd go over there and micromanage once I had Heth's front stabalized ... but like I said - he just sat there and stared at the I Corp troops lined up across from him.


Re: Real minor newb question - Prolly TC related ...

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:51 pm
by Grog
Welcome JustinRice :)

Were the regiments under your brigade commander TC'd at the time?

If they were, then they will not respond to orders that you give to your brigade commander. You have to un'TC them and give the brigade a fresh order.

This happens quite a lot to me if, in the heat of battle, you forget which of your units have been TC'd.

Likewise, a formation commander will not always respond to your orders if he is not TC'd. He has a 'mind of his own and may not advance, depending on his view of the situation and his abilities (particularly his STYLE-Audacious,daring, balanced,defensive,frozen etc)

Remember also to give him a STANCE order (all out attack, attack,Probe, Hold,Hold to last etc). This order will influence greatly how he commands his troops. i.e If you want a commander with a 'frozen' style of command to attack, then you have to overcompensate in your STANCE order by selecting an aggressive stance- 'All out Attack' for instance stance. Likewise, Bold commanders might need to be reigned back a bit if you want them to defend, and you might try the 'Hold at all Costs' stance.
I really like this feature because it introduces a real human element to your command. You have to manage your sprites like you would manage people, and knowing your subordinates well will help you get the most out of them.

Also, when you said you gave him the order " attack the enemy to your front", was this a FreeText Courier message? If so, then you have to be aware that the freetext function is there only for sending messages to fellow players in MP. The troops under your command will not respond in any circumstances using free text (unless you have a human commanding that force, of course.

Feel free to ask more questions. Despite a good manual, some of the mechanics are a bit tricky to get your head round at first but most are that way for good reason, which often only becomes apparent when you have played a lot of games.

Luckily, there are some experienced and supportive players and staff who will guide you well. I do recommend spending some time reading various threads here. You are likely to find the answers and learn some useful tips
