Anyone Interested in the Siege of Petersburg?

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Anyone Interested in the Siege of Petersburg?

Post by bschulte »

Is anyone else interested in the Siege of Petersburg? It's little known, little gamed, little written about, and all but forgotten by almost everyone. That's precisely why I decided to start up a web site on it, The Siege of Petersburg Online. My goal is to create a site which published every piece of public domain information on the Siege I can find, and there is a LOT of information available if you know where to look. I have tons of newspaper articles (contact me if you want to help transcribe these), web sites for every unit in the Siege down to regimental/battery level, the beginnings of orders of battle for all nine offensives during the Siege, and much, much more.

I'll offer up an example to get the ball rolling on this discussion. The Battle of Fort Gregg, a last ditch "Confederate Alamo", was often written about in the Soldier's papers and magazines in the post-war years. However, today it is entirely unknown. I've written a short essay on the Confederate sniping back and forth in the pages of the Southern Historical Society Papers. Union soldiers also fought over which regiment managed to force its way into Fort Gregg first, and I'll eventually do an article on that side of the controversy as well.
Last edited by bschulte on Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Little Powell
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Re: Anyone Interested in the Siege of Petersburg?

Post by Little Powell »

I would say it is the most important period of the Civil War that is so often overlooked. Most people think; ok there was Petersburg and The Crater, and then they fast forward to Appomattox. I think few people realize it was a bloody nine month affair with over 20 significant battles and countless skirmishes.
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Re: Anyone Interested in the Siege of Petersburg?

Post by bschulte »

I would say it is the most important period of the Civil War that is so often overlooked. Most people think; ok there was Petersburg and The Crater, and then they fast forward to Appomattox. I think few people realize it was a bloody nine month affair with over 20 significant battles and countless skirmishes.
Exactly right. And many of those battles were relatively open field affairs with at most rudimentary breastworks thrown up. The early stages of the Battle of Jerusalem Plank Road, the Battle of Globe Tavern, the Battle of Peebles' Farm, and the Battle of Boydton Plank Road all fit this description. I've got literally hundreds if not thousands of available newspaper articles to transcribe on the various aspects of the Siege, which wasn't a true siege at all. It's become a lifelong effort on my part, and I hope to do some really fun things with it. One eventual goal is to have accurate (as possible) wargaming orders of battle for each of the nine offensives of the Siege, using Larry Tagg's new method for determining unit quality and leader quality. That's one of many, and I hope I get the chance to do everything I want and more!
Hancock the Superb
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Re: Anyone Interested in the Siege of Petersburg?

Post by Hancock the Superb »

I for one am a fan of your Petersburg blog Mr. Schulte (I see it in my e-mail inbox every day). Unfortunately, I do not have the time to do any serious work researching the Seige, being a student.

I find Butler's raid on Petersburg (which resulted in the Battle of Old Men and Young Boys) an interesting topic; it is curious how so few men could turn back a ~10,000 man column.
Hancock the Superb
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Re: Anyone Interested in the Siege of Petersburg?

Post by bschulte »

I for one am a fan of your Petersburg blog Mr. Schulte (I see it in my e-mail inbox every day). Unfortunately, I do not have the time to do any serious work researching the Seige, being a student.

I find Butler's raid on Petersburg (which resulted in the Battle of Old Men and Young Boys) an interesting topic; it is curious how so few men could turn back a ~10,000 man column.
Thanks! I think the email subscription is the best way to follow along. I've got literally an endless supply of primary accounts to post. Butler's Raid is very well covered in two recent books. First, Bryce Suderow's and Ed Bearss' book The Petersburg Campaign, Volume 1: The Eastern Front Battles, and second Civil War Talks, edited by Hampton Newsome, which is a collection of George Bernard's reminiscences on the Civil War. Bernard, a lifelong resident of Petersburg and member of the 12th Virginia of Mahone's (Weisiger's) Brigade, took a special interest in the fighting around Petersburg.
Armchair General
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Re: Anyone Interested in the Siege of Petersburg?

Post by Armchair General »

I love your website. I used it a lot this semester for a history paper I wrote about the USCT at New Market Heights.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.
John Sedgwick
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Re: Anyone Interested in the Siege of Petersburg?

Post by John Sedgwick »

Great site. I particularly enjoyed browsing the collection of maps.
"I'm ashamed of you, dodging that way. They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance." - Famous Last Words.
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