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GBB20 Let the Batteries Open

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:35 pm
by Blaugrana
I've just tried this, using HITS and Couriers and it was ... challenging to get the artillery where I wanted them. I'm afraid history took its course.

I will try again, using the courier message window rather than point & click as a more exact way to position batteries.

A very different scenario. Would love to hear from other players who've tried this one.


Re: GBB20 Let the Batteries Open

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:26 pm
by con20or
You're a braver man than I! I don't think I'd ever attempt a scenario with so much artillery in HITS :)

I tried it on normal when i was testing it, history took its course then too!

It's a tough one, but a great idea for a scenario :)

Re: GBB20 Let the Batteries Open

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:25 pm
by Blaugrana
The immediate problem with playing it with a bare map and HITS is that you have no idea where most of your units are. I may look at the replay, mark up a paper map with initial positions and then play again (assuming in the hope that the initial positions don't change!).

There's then the notorious mule-headed nature of artillery commanders to deal with. Should I TC all the batteries??!! Not sure.

Then there's the command structure to get used to. In my first play through I alternated between giving orders to battery commanders and their superiors (not even sure of their title). This confused me and probably confused my subordinates.

Anyway, a huge challenge, but, as you say, Conor, a brilliant idea for a scenario. I shall keep playing.


Re: GBB20 Let the Batteries Open

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:41 pm
by Little Powell
Just a tip: If you do not use the Attackmarch command, either using RebBuglers toolbar, or typing it in manually in the command console after giving movement orders, it is almost impossible to move your batteries if they are not TC'd. Way too many targets for them to focus on and they will constantly want to stop and fire.

Re: GBB20 Let the Batteries Open

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:16 pm
by Blaugrana
I'm trying again, this time not in HITS.

I've just very carefully sent an order to each of the ten artillery brigade commanders in turn:

No Orders
Limber battery
Move to [map position, clicking on command map]
Face [direction]
Change to [Arty brigade, double line formation]
Unlimber battery
Fire at artillery
Use solid shot
Ignore the enemy [Thanks LP & MTG]

This gets easier with practice :-)

I'm now surrounded by the impressive sight of hundreds of guns being manhandled forward to their positions, some 600 yards forward.
The attachment manhandlingguns.jpg is no longer available
Any ideas how to avoid this?

edit: I am now 45 minutes into the scenario and some guns are engaged, many are resting, some are facing away from the enemy ...

I would like to be able to tell my artillery brigade commanders - go roughly here, set up your batteries in a good position and give the enemy artillery hell. Instead it seems I have to go to each battery, TC it, put it into position myself and then un-TC it.

Re: GBB20 Let the Batteries Open

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:08 pm
by Marching Thru Georgia
I think it is because the sequence of orders is not quite correct. Here is how I do it via the courier screen.

Combat Artillery Orders.
1. No orders.
2. Move to location.
3.Ignore the enemy. (Here not last)
4. Face this direction. (if needed)
5. Battery formation.
6. Use roads. (if needed)

Just follow the order in the list and you shouldn't have any problems.

Re: GBB20 Let the Batteries Open

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:13 pm
by Blaugrana
Thanks MTG. I had your list (on a scrap of paper) by me as I fought this battle. :) I then 'adapted' it :(

I see you don't include a 'limber up' command. I would hope that the AI would know not to manhandle unlimbered guns when ordered to move several hundred yards, but that's what they did in my earlier attempt.

Have you tried this with artillery brigade commanders? In the scenario there are 10 artillery brigade commanders, and approx 30 batteries so ordering individual batteries is a huge task, but many batteries did no firing until I moved them individually.

I'll try again. If anyone has played this scenario with any degree of success and cares to share their method I'd love to hear from you.


Re: GBB20 Let the Batteries Open

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:35 pm
by RebBugler
The only success I have had with moving arty brigades is giving the move and formation orders then select tcofficers. When they all arrive, atcommoff.

Re: GBB20 Let the Batteries Open

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:37 pm
by Marching Thru Georgia
Blaugrana wrote:
Have you tried this with artillery brigade commanders? In the scenario there are 10 artillery brigade commanders, and approx 30 batteries so ordering individual batteries is a huge task, but many batteries did no firing until I moved them individually.
No I haven't. I'm not sure what orders get relayed to the individual batteries. I know infantry divisions can be moved this way without problem, at least when they are out of range of the enemy. But the arty has a long engagement range, so maybe the 'Ignore the enemy' part is not sent to the battery commanders. I'm afraid you are in uncharted waters.

The (un)limber orders are not needed. The individual guns will do that automatically.

Re: GBB20 Let the Batteries Open

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:56 am
by Mayonaise
I played this scenario recently as well. I really enjoyed it... but it highlights how difficult it is to give effective orders with the current UI design, which i think is one of the biggest opportunities for improvement in the game.