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Regular European SOW Multiplayer Group?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:33 pm
by MajorByrd
Hallo, Bonjour, Hello, Ciao and ¡Hola!

I've been playing SOW for a couple of weeks now, played the Take Command and various other Civil War games before. I really do enjoy the multiplayer games with the GCM crowd and I tried to get into a HITS game which, unfortunately due to my own schedule and summer vacation didn't happen yet.

My problem, being from Germany, is obviously the time the GCM take place since most of the guys live in the States. I'll still join from time to time but probably only for the early games.

Talking to NY Cav yesterday I thought I'd try my luck looking for a European Group on this forum. There must be some of us Europeans trying to play regular multiplayer games. I've seen posts by some guys from Italy and so on. Would be awesome if we had an Idea how many European players out there are just looking for a group like that. Maybe there's a way we could get in touch and set up a group, maybe on GCM if possible or somewhere else. When push comes to shovel, I just wanna play with some nice people. Haven't been disappointed so far.

Re: Regular European SOW Multiplayer Group?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:46 pm
by con20or

Plenty of European players. there's a U.K and an italian group as far as I know.

See this post some more etails on a Euro-USA group that play regularly. ... iers-games

Re: Regular European SOW Multiplayer Group?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 7:16 pm
by con20or
In fact here's one scheduled for tomorrow, should be around 8/9pm your time. ... e-saturday

Re: Regular European SOW Multiplayer Group?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 7:25 pm
by MajorByrd
Yea, two of the guys already told me. Unfortunately I won't be able to attend.

I think I'll try my luck on the Kriegsspiel board then, seems to be the haven for the European Crowds.

Re: Regular European SOW Multiplayer Group?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:26 pm
by KG_Soldier
Quite the battle Major Byrd fought with us last night.

First he was overrun by 2 full divisions on the stone walls on the western end of East Cav Field. Then he regrouped and came to my aid on the "island." Then we retreated in the face of overwhelming odds back to the northwest woods. Then he and I counterattacked back toward the island.

In the end our side won one of the closest GCM games ever fought: 2090 to 1950 or something like that.

Major Byrd could have easily given up after being overrun by Swinder and Maym, but he hung tough, regrouped, and really helped us pull it out.

Great fun.

Re: Regular European SOW Multiplayer Group?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:42 pm
by MajorByrd
Great Fun indeed and thanks

And I'll join you guys as often as I can. Everybody I've met, whether on the GCM or on the HITS Teamspeak, has been extremely friendly and helpfull. The games I've played with Soldier, Jonah, Harmon and all the others kept me awake until 6am. Many more to come I hope.

I'll continue checking the fields for European players to encourage them to play GCM or HITS. The most important thing to me remains to continue playing this fantastic game with as many interesting and nice people as possible.

Have a nice weekend everybody.