Steam: Greenlight

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Steam: Greenlight

Post by Monty »

Hi Norbsoftdev,

In case you haven't been made aware of this already, it looks like Steam are going to be adopting a new crowd-sourcing method for identifying games they should distribute called Steam Greenlight. I know NSD haven't had much luck with Steam in the past, but this looks like an excellent way to get your foot in the door. For one, I can guarantee there are still plenty of SMG players out there who aren't even aware of this game yet.

Anyway,Greenlight in Valve's own words::

What is Steam Greenlight?

Steam Greenlight is a new system that enlists the community's help in picking some of the next games to be released on Steam. Developers post information, screenshots, and videos for their game and seek a critical mass of community support in order to get selected for distribution. Steam Greenlight also helps developers get feedback from potential customers and start creating an active community around their game as early in the development process as they like.

The RPS article: ... reenlight/
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Re: Steam: Greenlight

Post by KG_Soldier »

I'm always amazed there aren't thousands of people playing SOW MP games every evening.

I mean. . . most everyone who plays this game on the GCM agrees it's the finest MP war game ever made.

And wow, when we get 20+ players in a game, the epicness is astounding.
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Re: Steam: Greenlight

Post by Saddletank »

Its odd isn't it, how niche games always remain 'niche'. Perhaps everyone who ever played any of the Sid Meier ACW gaames was a 'niche' customer as well.

Likewise Histwar is almost completely unknown... and yet you mention it on the Total War forums and everyone's heard of it - they just aren't buying or playing it, they are happy continuing to play the Napoleon Total War crap.

And people slave away for 100s of hours doing ACW conversion mods for Total War with the result that they have what they started with - a game that looks superb but plays nothing whatsoever like an ACW battle.

HITS & Couriers - a different and realistic way to play SoW MP.
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Re: Steam: Greenlight

Post by redcoat »

i just hope this game never ends up on steam.i have steam because i have to if i want to play the majority of games.
i support this game for two main reasons;
1.its the best historical game available.
2,it has been developed independantly by a very dedicated team who there for have total control over their product and therefor dont have to kow tow to people like steam.
long may this continue as i truely belive they will go from strength to strength if they stick to their guns with this fantastic game.
sorry!rant over. cheers
Michael Slaunwhite
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Re: Steam: Greenlight

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

i just hope this game never ends up on steam.i have steam because i have to if i want to play the majority of games.
i support this game for two main reasons;
1.its the best historical game available.
2,it has been developed independently by a very dedicated team who there for have total control over their product and therefor don't have to kow tow to people like steam.
long may this continue as i truely belive they will go from strength to strength if they stick to their guns with this fantastic game.
sorry!rant over. cheers
I am with you redcoat.

Steam is about the dirtiest word known in the gaming industry (outside of EA, and others). Once a gamer hears the word Steam is involved you can pretty much kiss what little advertising benefits you would receive goodbye.

I know there are many out there would argue that they have never had a problem with steam, and they support them. That's up to you as everything else is in life, but wait until you do have a problem, and then lets see which side you will end up on when the chips are down.

But like I said it's up to the individual.

The real question I would like to ask is, how far would NSD be willing to go with Steam?

Will there be two copies for sale? A Steam version, and a Retail copy? If you do allow for a Steam version, will patching be done exclusively through Steam, and a separate patch download for the retail? Will you be allowing MP through Steam or would you be keeping the main MP lobby as it is now?

Steam doesn't just let you sit back, and allow you to make your own choices, they dictate the terms to the companies who are under their banner.

Many companies have sold their souls to Steam for that extra little advertising which pretty much allows steam to what they want....don't be fooled, it's like asking EA to promote your product all the while thinking that you are safe from their influence.

My opinion of course.
Last edited by Michael Slaunwhite on Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Steam: Greenlight

Post by william1993 »

Steam blows....I have it because I have to use it for a lot of my games, but usually I only play TC2M, although I have a crapload of games, most of the total war ones, call of duty, silent hunter subsim series, and the men of war series. If this game goes to steam, it will be...not good
God darn. Holy testicles. All them people.
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Re: Steam: Greenlight

Post by Garnier »

Having the game available on steam would be a positive in every way.

Just because you sell your game on steam doesn't mean you can't sell it elsewhere. Paradox games are available on steam and elsewhere. You get the exact same product.

There is a cost in making it compatible which none of us know. After that, it would directly mean more people playing the game, which is something that benefits all of us.

if you play mods, more people playing the game means more modders -- benefit
if you play MP, more people playing the game means more people to play with -- benefit
if you make the game, more people playing the game means more money -- benefit
if you have problems with the game, more people playing the game means you get better/faster help -- benefit

And finally, more people playing the game means more people will find out about the game, so it's a cycle.

So don't say making it available on steam would be bad, if that ever becomes possible.
Play Scourge of War Multiplayer!
Also try the singleplayer carryover campaign
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Re: Steam: Greenlight

Post by KG_Soldier »

I agree with Garnier. More people playing is better for everyone.

And it seems to me those with a problem with Steam never really have any concrete reasons.

I've never had a problem with Steam, and I like the fact that if I get a new computer or have a fatal crash, I can simply download all my Steam games for free.

I only play Red Orchestra on Steam, but I used to play a lot of Day of Defeat and Darkest Hour and some Rome Total War way back when.
Michael Slaunwhite
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Re: Steam: Greenlight

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

I agree that exposure would be good for any game. What I was speaking about is reputation. Steam has one of the worse reputations for thumbing their noses at the customer base.

You have to remember that you are known by the company you keep, and attaching SOW to Steam would get a thumbs down by many people out there, which would only hurt the game in the long run. Surely there has to be a better company that SOW can be promoted by.

I can't tell you how many posts I have read about how much people dislike Steam, and who walk away from buying any game just on a hint that Steam would be in any way connected.

I'm telling you, this will leave a very bad taste in people's mouths if this was to ever happen. There are those who won't buy this game simply because there is a need to activate/deactivate the game using the internet (one copy per computer). I have tried very hard to push this game, and I have had more "nope, not going to buy it" because of the online activation. I have also had some folks wavering on purchasing the game even though they don't like having to activate/deactivate it online because they have seen me playing the game first hand. If I told them that Steam was involved, they would flat out say no to ever buying it, no matter how great the game is.

Only my personal opinion, but I have seen allot of people not buy games simply because Steams name is attached to the product.
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Re: Steam: Greenlight

Post by Garnier »

You've seen a lot of people mad at steam because almost all gamers in USA/Europe have used or do use steam. We don't see complaints about other companies offering the same service, because either we don't know about those companies, or not enough people know about them to complain.

There are millions of people who use steam and find it extremely convenient. There are some, relatively very few, people who would be mad if steam was involved. But even losing hundreds potential customers, to reach millions of other potential customers, is a worthwhile trade. (Hundreds is my high estimate of how many people would know about SOW despite it not being on steam, and maybe buy it, but who would refuse is they learned that steam sells it.)

Your other point is moot for games that are available both on and off steam. Steam's name wouldn't need to be "attached" to the product, they are simply an alternate marketplace with a huge reach.
Play Scourge of War Multiplayer!
Also try the singleplayer carryover campaign
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