Search Mods for Sound

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Search Mods for Sound

Post by derAngsthase »


1.) Can you advisable some Modification for better Sounds?,i think the Rifle/Musket and Battle Sounds can be better and more powerful.

2.) And gaves a mod for full volley?I mean where the whole Regiment do a fusillade and not to shot crisscross.
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Little Powell
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Re: Search Mods for Sound

Post by Little Powell »

Here's a link to my gun fire mod: ... sounds-mod

It replaces the rifle sounds and artillery. I started work on an updated version that uses rifle/musket sounds recorded from a reenactment, but it's on the back burner for now.
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Re: Search Mods for Sound

Post by Saddletank »

I don't know of anyone who has done a volley sound and that's probably because except for the first volley, ACW units loaded and fired as fast as the individual soldier could. There were no organised commands such as European armies used as far as I know.
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Re: Search Mods for Sound

Post by Little Powell »

Volley fire is on the to-do list. Hopefully it will make it into a release at some point. I know it has been requested many times so it is a priority.
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Re: Search Mods for Sound

Post by Saddletank »

Did ACW regiments use it much then? And would you introduce new animations for it?
Last edited by Saddletank on Fri May 25, 2012 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Little Powell
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Re: Search Mods for Sound

Post by Little Powell »

It was used quite a bit in the ACW. We would just have to figure out the best way to model it in the game. I'm just brainstorming here, but the obvious thing it would do is inflict more damage to enemy units when it is in effect. So there could be a new volley command and a toolbar button for it. It would probably take quite some time for the regiment to regain the ability after using it, and it's effectiveness would depend on the ratings of the regiment etc.

We may not need a new soldier animation since there are plenty frames for shooting. The soldiers could freeze for a moment while they are firing the volley, a nice big plume of smoke could then rise along with a new volley sound. :)

Again, just brainstorming here.. As with any change like this, it will take a lot of testing and it could effect a lot of things. But it is something Norb wants to get in eventually.
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Re: Search Mods for Sound

Post by Saddletank »

To me that seems like a fairly minor improvement to the game and also is a micro-managing issue. I'd rather play a game where I'm the division or brigade commander and my regiment commanders just fight their units as best they are able (with some guidance from me to place them in the best positions).

I wouldn't want to get involved in micro-managing how a regiment shoots, that seems way too fussy and below the level of fdetail NSD should be pitching their improvements to the game.

If volley firing was used (and many people around here tell me it wasn't) I'd just like to see a "first volley" when a unit opens fire when going into action the first time in each firefight. If its then pulled out of the line to rest and is reinserted later, it would fire a volley again, then resort to individual fire.

It should not be something the player has control over.
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Little Powell
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Re: Search Mods for Sound

Post by Little Powell »

To me that seems like a fairly minor improvement to the game and also is a micro-managing issue. I'd rather play a game where I'm the division or brigade commander and my regiment commanders just fight their units as best they are able (with some guidance from me to place them in the best positions).

I wouldn't want to get involved in micro-managing how a regiment shoots, that seems way too fussy and below the level of fdetail NSD should be pitching their improvements to the game.

If volley firing was used (and many people around here tell me it wasn't) I'd just like to see a "first volley" when a unit opens fire when going into action the first time in each firefight. If its then pulled out of the line to rest and is reinserted later, it would fire a volley again, then resort to individual fire.

It should not be something the player has control over.
You have pretty much listed the reasons why it wasn't put in the game. However it has been requested many times, so that's why it is on the to-do list. We'll look into again and decide if it's worth it to put in or not on the next major release.

Now, back to sound mods... :)
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Re: Search Mods for Sound

Post by Saddletank »

One more comment and I'll leave you to talk about sound mods.

I don't think NSD should consider a game change based on how many customers ask for something. If 5,000 players ask for an animation to fix bayonets you're not going to include that I hope.

Because its trivial and unimportant and you've much better things to divert your resources to.

NSD should have a clear focus on what kind of game or simulation it is marketing and limit changes to those that support and fit that focus. Please don't add unneccessary frilly details just because players ask for them. Keep focussed on what your core game is designed to do and be.

Worrying about how infantry shoots at the regiment level I think is waaaay off the scale of where this game should have its aiming point. Its the overall casualty rates that are important. This is a corps and army level battle simulation after all and its the big picture that should be seen as more important.
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Beef Stu
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Re: Search Mods for Sound

Post by Beef Stu »

This is a corps and army level battle simulation
actually it can be played at any level, from army all the way down to the nitty gritty companies.

i personally like all the control available.besides who's to say a ai controlled regiment of yours wont decide to volley on its own releasing you of the tediousness.
Last edited by Beef Stu on Sun May 27, 2012 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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