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Questions/Strategy on AN18 The Bloodiest Day

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:10 pm
by MarcusC
Well, I've tried playing this scenario three times so far and can't seem to break the 8,000 point barrier. I'm not even close to the 14,000 needed to release the rest of my troops. So I'm a bit frustrated... I'm wondering about the 1000 points for each objective, I think there are 7 or 8 of them. Doing the math, I'm failing to see how it's possible to get 14,000 points considering the losses of men and points I suffer taking them. I tried a more controlled advance the first time I played, took the cornfield quickly and the objective to the right (have forgotten the name--the East Woods, perhaps?). Had a nice advance to the Dunker Church, had brought up the arty and the rest of my forces. I had a helluva time taking the Bloody Lane, the Rebs really defended it well. Played it too conservative early on I guess.

The second game I was more aggressive but got bogged down around the Dunker Church, lost too many men and ended up trying an arty battle. Did take the Church...Thought I could slug it out with the Reb batteries and that ended in a big stalemate. I was able to take the Bloody Lane eventually, and one of the objectives to the south. By that time all I had was a ragtag bunch of troops that couldn't mount any kind of attack. On the 3rd try I pulled out all the stops, used a crushingly fast, massive advance and routed the Rebs well. At this point there were only 1500 or so Confederate troops on the field and some arty--without the points situation, it looked like they got whipped! I took quite a few losses due to charging the guns quite often (the troops as well) and by the time I'd taken the Bloody Lane I had a score of only 5500! After the Rebel counter attack I held, but my score is now hovering at a little more than 5000. I did resort to moving up some cannon to shoot canister to try to keep my losses down. So any suggestions about what I should do differently to get to the 14,000? I'm staying on the objectives until the icon disappears...

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!

Re: Questions/Strategy on AN18 The Bloodiest Day

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:58 pm
by RebBugler
What about the south objectives, Burnside Bridge etal? More objectives appear as you conquer some, there's plenty of points to be had if the strategy is right.

Very nice AAR, your generaling appears sound as you get better with each attempt.

Sarge destroyed this one, maybe he'll jump in with some tips...Good Generaling and thanks for the report.

Re: Questions/Strategy on AN18 The Bloodiest Day

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:52 am
by MarcusC
Thanks for the kudos on the generaling RebBugler-I think I was within one objective of the Burnside Bridge. Probably have to be more patient and eventually I'll get the breakthrough points. I finally won the "Three Times is not a Charm" after several tries, that felt good!

Re: Questions/Strategy on AN18 The Bloodiest Day

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:16 pm
by MarcusC
Hey RebBugler-after I got home from work, I continued on from where I'd saved the battle and kept pushing south. After about 20 minutes, lo and behold-got the courier message that Burnside was at the bridge! Wow...wish I'd been more patient before, it's nice to actually fight the battle the way McClellan SHOULD of! Toombs didn't really give me that much of a problem at the bridge. Perhaps this was an easy variant...not that I'm complaining, mind you! I advanced hard, taking the next two objectives knowing AP Hill could be making an appearance soon! Sure enough, he did--almost caught me with very few cannon and not enough troops. Reinforced the position and held. I got to over 12,000 points but have been losing them as I've advanced through town. Here's a screenie of my map taken before I advanced some troops through town:


I'm trying not to take any more losses than I need to (the Rebs have plenty of arty firing) in order to not lose more points than I have to. I'm currently moving up all my arty and am trying put as many of the Rebel guns out of action as I can. If I do a massive attack, will this do more harm than good point-wise? Anyway, thanks for your help-this is one long, tough scenario--just like I like them!

Re: Questions/Strategy on AN18 The Bloodiest Day

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:43 am
by JC Edwards

My friend, has your Cavalry been "released" yet? I cannot tell from your screenie......That is your key for Victory. You've done excellent on everything else.

There's nothing you can really do to avoid the high casualties in this scenario. I had 16,000+ to the Rebs 19,000+

Your Cavalry is your Juggernaut .......... you must bring them up and attack the Reb Arty head on - use the larger Regiments of each of the Brigades to achieve this. You should have a good chance for a Major Victory.

Good luck Sir.


Re: Questions/Strategy on AN18 The Bloodiest Day

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:12 am
by MarcusC
Hi Sarge-nice to hear from you! I'm still up here in Alaska. We've had close to a record snowfall this winter, so I've had plenty of time in the "cabin" to play and develop the fever-ha ha. I have had some Calvary released, it wasn't a large force though. I'm a little past the 10:05 time showing on the screenie, do you think there's still a chance for a larger Cavalry to arrive on the field? Who is the commander-Sheridan? Thanks for you advice Sarge, I'll wait and see if the Cavalry becomes available for the head on attack of the Arty.

Re: Questions/Strategy on AN18 The Bloodiest Day

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:58 pm
by JC Edwards
No I believe Pleasanton is the Commander. All of your Cavalry should have been activated at once if I remember correctly.....many of the Brigade Regiments are small, but there are a few that have good numbers. These are the ones you'll want to use in taking the Guns.
You should still have plenty of time. ;)

You even mentioning Alaska makes me long for home......ah well.....maybe someday. :)

I'm still driving on the night shift so my responses to you may be a bit delayed......but do keep me up to date on your progress. I cannot promise you a score like my 22,000+ :laugh: .......but we'll get ya a decent one. :cheer:



Re: Questions/Strategy on AN18 The Bloodiest Day

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:14 pm
by MarcusC
Well....I fired up the battle out of a save and tried to use the Cavalry. The commander was Thomas Devin, with 4 regiments. Of course in my haste to attack I neglected to find all of my units, I thought 2 of them had routed in the AP Hill area of the battle. (I found the others this morning) The 2 I had left only captured one gun a piece and retreated...I was NOT impressed-ha ha! Tried to get them interested in continuing on with the job, but they weren't responding so I just let them rest. Then I got a grandiose idea that I'd surround the Rebels and then whip them quickly with a massive attack. Yes, these always seem to be good "on paper", don't they? I believe there were 6 North Carolinian regiments holding the area north of town, thought it'd be a piece of cake. So I launched a spirited attack and the Rebel arty came through in spades, really kicked me like a mule! Many men routed but I kept the pressure on, those North Carolinians fought tooth and nail, not to be budged. After a good half an hour, I was STILL at it. Finally took the position after about 45 minutes and I think I lost 8 or 9000 men!! The end total was 27,000 casualties and my point total was an epic in epic fail-ha ha. So this morning I'm trying again with all four Calvary regiments and will see how I fare this time around.

Re: Questions/Strategy on AN18 The Bloodiest Day

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:50 am
by JC Edwards
You should have way more Federal Cavalry than one Brigade. :dry:


Re: Questions/Strategy on AN18 The Bloodiest Day

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:16 pm
by MarcusC
Could it be that I didn't get up to 14,000 points? Yeah, the brigade really isn't going to be very effective (or quick) in capturing the arty...