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Dev Diary - MP X 3

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:56 pm
by Amish John
This thread discusses the Content article: Dev Diary - MP X 3


You lost me after \"Everyone knows\", but it's good to hear things are progressing. At this point do you have a target as to how many people will be able to participate in a battle? Since the people who will buy this game are also MMG customers, can you post on their forums when you have a news update or a new screen shot available here? Or is MMG now considered a competitor?

Once you are able to post more about what the differences in gameplay will be from TCSM, e.g. eliminating some of the quirks in TCSM and what new features are being added, people can start feeding the wishlist. Or at this point do you already know pretty much what the game will do and what it won't do? Lord knows enough time has past and you have enough experience and feed back from TCSM that you knew a long time ago what things needed to be addressed.


Re:Dev Diary - MP X 3

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:27 pm
by norb
Right now I just have it set to 10, but we haven't done any testing to push the limit and see where it really is. My goal is just to make it stable right now, ie if people drop out can the game keep running for those still in it.

MMG is not a competitor, but it would not be right to use those boards to advertise NSD stuff. MMG boards are for MMG products. So, no I won't post new news over there, people are going to have to find their way here if they want the news or want to ask questions about NSD products.

The gameplay differences will be completely up to John. He has his list of what needs to be addressed. I will get to that as soon as I get these core functions out of the way. My goal is solid MP play, as long as we have that everything else to me is gravy. If there are things that you really feel need to be addressed, you can start a thread here. Since this is not the same engine as TC2M, the same issues may not even exist, but it never hurts to let your opinions known.

Re:Dev Diary - MP X 3

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:29 am
by JohnD
If you want to talk about gaming linear warfare, I think there are many places to do it. I know fer sure that I won't be doing it on the MMG forum--ever.

Re:Dev Diary - MP X 3

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:36 am
by cliometrician
The MP explanation was all Greek to me, but I don't care. All I know is that MP is on the way. Where do I send my your price, got it! :)

I've only played one other computer game multiplayer and that was Sid Meier's Gettysburg. Is your MP going to work in a similar fashion? I just know that its very easy to host and join--and I need something that simple!

Great work, Norb!

Re:Dev Diary - MP X 3

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:41 am
by norb
We are working very hard to make it as simple as possible. The one point that we can't get around is that if you are behind a firewall or a router, you must map/forward a port to host a game. Other than that it will be very easy. We will even have a lobby where you can go to meet up with other players. I'm not sure how close it will be to SMG. I had very limited playing time on that engine when I worked on Waterloo. I can only tell you that it is very fun! I know that people are going to love playing it. We have a ton of ideas on how to make it very cool, but our first version our only goal is to make it easy and solid. John has been working with me on the screens, playing the voice of the non computer savy player. I think we have it down. There is just so much more to do in all the details, but we are working very hard.

Re:Dev Diary - MP X 3

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:46 am
by estabu2
Great news guys!! 10 players would be great in Multiplayer, that would require some good teamwork. Is there going to be a VOIP included or will communication be through text? Text would probably be easy since you do have time to type(most of the time:cheer: )

As cliometrician said, \"where do I send my money:woohoo: \" can't wait, keep up the good work.

Re:Dev Diary - MP X 3

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 4:11 am
by Old Peter
I second that idea! That would be a great way to integrate the players into the game. Also, it makes the couriers and keeping the roads open a priorty. Whole Commands could be left behind with no orders. \"Uh, Canuck, where ya goin'? \"Didn't you get the orders? We're going to...\":)

Old Peter

Re:Dev Diary - MP X 3

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:43 am
by norb
estabu2 wrote:
Great news guys!! 10 players would be great in Multiplayer, that would require some good teamwork. Is there going to be a VOIP included or will communication be through text? Text would probably be easy since you do have time to type(most of the time:cheer: )

As cliometrician said, \"where do I send my money:woohoo: \" can't wait, keep up the good work.
Although RakNet does support VOIP, I do not think that I will attempt it with the first release. We may in the future, but I can't think past the first game now.