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Artillary retreating

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:20 am

Why does artillary retreat {TC2M} when over 160 yards but less than 200 yards from enemy? No long range riflemen, artillary, or calvary are present. The artillary shows no sign of stress during engagement and appear to be well supplied. Often after repositioning these units they retreat once again almost immeadiatly. The only thing I had'nt done was TC the individual units, which I felt should'nt be nesacerry. Should add that my infantry was present less tha 160yds from opponent. Is it a Bug and will it occurr in the new game? :unsure:

If the average infantry unit get's increased firing range in the new game, maybe there could be some adjustments to the artillarys' range of effectiveness. Even when there's a slew of batteries {Nepoleon tactic} firing on the same unit it would go to reason there would be more destruction. In TC2M it just dose'nt seen to be there, especially at the longer ranges.
I'm open to any thoughts or suggestions.

Curious, Hoistingman4

Re:Artillary retreating

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:35 am
by ironsight
Yeah, bringing up the artillery to the perfect strategic position and then having it retreat is frustrating. Almost always its because there positioned too close to enemy units or artillery.
A lot of times those close enemy units are hidden in the woods which the player can't readily see but the artillery can and then promptly skeedadles. Happens quite a bit for me as i use my artillery aggressively.

Some other things that might cause retreating batteries; low morale, Commander is not around to rally, rookie artillery units, low ammo or fatigue.
I also noticed that once a gun retreats, its usually skiddish the rest of the battle and likes to be positioned far from the enemy at a safe distance AND with its commander nearby unTC'd. This is especially true of captured guns.
When a battery retreats, i usually unTC its commander to let him reform and rally his unit at a safe distance and resupply if necessary. After a few minutes, he's TC'd again and they're as good as new to throw large redhot smoking projectiles at the enemy.:)

Re:Artillary retreating

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:00 am
ironsight wrote:
Yeah, bringing up the artillery to the perfect strategic position and then having it retreat is frustrating. Almost always its because there positioned too close to enemy units or artillery.
A lot of times those close enemy units are hidden in the woods which the player can't readily see but the artillery can and then promptly skeedadles. Happens quite a bit for me as i use my artillery aggressively.

Some other things that might cause retreating batteries; low morale, Commander is not around to rally, rookie artillery units, low ammo or fatigue.
I also noticed that once a gun retreats, its usually skiddish the rest of the battle and likes to be positioned far from the enemy at a safe distance AND with its commander nearby unTC'd. This is especially true of captured guns.
When a battery retreats, i usually unTC its commander to let him reform and rally his unit at a safe distance and resupply if necessary. After a few minutes, he's TC'd again and they're as good as new to throw large redhot smoking projectiles at the enemy.:)
Added somethingelse to my quote maybe you could add to that too.

Fire away, Hoistingman

Re:Artillary retreating

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:02 pm
by Jim
The most common cause of this in TC2M is low ammo levels. Since a battery out of ammo is a big fat target, there is no upside to it hanging around.


Re:Artillary retreating

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:33 pm
by ironsight
hoistingman Wrote: Even when there's a slew of batteries {Nepoleon tactic} firing on the same unit it would go to reason there would be more destruction.
This is ONE of the biggest frustrations in TC2M and has been complained about quite a bit on these forums and is mentioned in many present and past wish lists to fix.

I can have 4 or 5 batteries firing on one lone enemy battery and nothing. After a long long while those enemy batteries will eventually withdraw one by one probably only cause they're out of ammo. It just takes an unrealistic time for this to happen.
By the way the enemy's artillery resupply is far as i can tell non-existent!:) Won't be the same in MP though!:dry:

This whole thing is not only unrealistic but probably also historically inaccruate as batteries were silenced quite a bit by opposing artillery during the war.

I think NSD has noted all this!

Re:Artillary retreating

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:43 pm
by Hancock the Superb
Guns getting destroyed and retire by prolongue are two other things we should have, and the fact of battery ammo wagons (I've said this already.)

Re:Artillary retreating

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:56 pm

Joined this forum not all that long ago, periodically read the past quotes{which there are a lot of} to try and get up to speed with what has been already discussed. Some which don't satisfy my curiosity, cause me bring up the subject again, often the answers are different than let us say a year ago. It's interesting how the parameters of the new game are going to affect our future play, it's mostly guess work for what, (on my part,) they are going to be, but nonetheless, sound phenominal. Be pataint with me, if you already know the answers. I appreciate what everybody has to say. Maybe someday we could be thowing lead at oneanother.:)


Re:Artillary retreating

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:25 pm
by Hancock the Superb
Try the search function, and put your string on that.

Re:Artillary retreating

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:54 pm
Hancock the Superb wrote:
Try the search function, and put your string on that.
I see; "says the blind man".

Thanks Hancock:)


Re:Artillary retreating

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:43 pm
by Amish John
Hancock the Superb wrote:
Guns getting destroyed and retire by prolongue are two other things we should have, and the fact of battery ammo wagons (I've said this already.)
Another option would be retreat by recoil.