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Hunt Them Down

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:36 am
by con20or
I had a great HITS game last night - I played as a brigade commander, division battle, sandbox.

I was ordered all over the map looking for the enemy. I received my orders by courier so obviously the enemy weren't where I was ordered to by the time I got there!

I love the feeling of uncertainty you get - should I be moving or holding? I havent heard from the general in a while, are they engaged and desperatly waiting for me? I was ordered to hold this position, should i wait or go looking for the enemy, what if the courier assigning me new orders was killed?

It got to the stage that I was doubting myself, the game, my computer....All I had seen was one union divisional general. I was beginning to think that the by unticking 'balance forces' this had messed up and all I had been given to fight against was a division and brigade general, or maybe a small artillery unit hiding somewhere.

I finally received one last courier, 'attack' the big hill a short distance away from me. I saw the two AI brigades marching up the hill as they reached it ahead of me. They went over the crest, and then 5 minutes or so later as I was marching up it the first brigade came flooding back down the hill - completely routed! I had no idea what was over there waiting for me.

I was coming from a different side than the one they had assaulted, and just as I came over the top I saw a big, well rested cavalry brigade about to envelop and make short work of the second brigade in my division.

Luckily we came out almost on their rear - unexpected - and we were also well rested except for the climb ( I had rested them while waiting for orders after the last fruitless search) and deployed into line.

The second brigade held up well, and with us behind them the cavalry were chewed up and had to retreat.

Bottom line - Playing HITS and looking for cavalry with infantry on a big map is gonna be tough!

Id love to know had they been holding that position, or were they wandering around the map avoiding us.

Re: Hunt Them Down

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:01 am
by Davinci
Well, Norb is one spectacular programmer, and with that knowledge things just seem to flow together!

Jumping Topic :

con20or – Hey this reply really doesn’t have anything to do with the current post, just passing off some information to you .

Are you aware of the changes to the courier-system when giving orders to move a division around the map?

Several months ago, you were requesting a feature that would send couriers to the different brigade leaders, and not have them move all at the same time.

This feature is in the game, I just noticed it, and the reason for posting this is to let you know that it is in the game.

I gave General Pickett movement orders and he sent out a courier to each of the brigade commanders, which depending on their position from away from him, causes a realistic delay factor!

If you already know about this, maybe someone else doesn’t, or after reading this, they know now!


Re: Hunt Them Down

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:53 am
by con20or
Hi Davinci -

I certainly didnt know it had been included/fixed - thats (very welcome) news to me if correct.

One question - a quick work around someone found ( I think it might even have been you?) was if the brigade commanders are TC'd then the courier system (chain of command) works properly, but when the couriers reach the brigadier generals, they do nothing because you have placed them under your control..

Is there any chance you had TC'd all your brigade commanders by accident? I will certainly check when i get home - I hope youre right!!

Re: Hunt Them Down

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:40 pm
by Davinci
This is not as much work as it seems, especially if you use the courier-system all the time.

For some reason, probably on my end, I still have to use the Time \ Date – you might skip this part of the procedure. Yes, I have latest patch!

Follow these Steps:

General Pickett – use any divisional commander
Time \ Date
Take Charge On
Move to…..
Move to this Map Location…..(Click Anywhere across the map)
Face unit in this direction (North) use any direction?
Change to this Formation
Division Form March Column
Move to…..
Use Roads for units
Take Charge off

End \ Send message

This works a lot better due to the fact that the Brigade Commanders will receive their orders one at a time depending on the exact location from the Divisional Commander.

Also – once the order reaches the brigade commanders they are not under the take Command stance, so they will not send additional couriers to each regiment!


Re: Hunt Them Down

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:57 pm
by con20or
Hmmmm...there still seems to be a TC in there though - obviously it is the problem that is stopping the couriers. This still seems to be the workaround you suggested before - but the couriers should work correctly without it.

Personally when playing HITS I try never to use it uinless im controlling infantry directly to my front.

Is this how you got it to work in your previous post?

Re: Hunt Them Down

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:18 pm
by Davinci
As far as I remember the only unit that had the TC status after that was the Division Commander, no other units display that status!


Re: Hunt Them Down

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:53 pm
by con20or
and you were corps commander or higher?

Re: Hunt Them Down

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:59 pm
by Davinci
and you were corps commander or higher?
General of the Army!

So, if you are a lower rank, are you saying that this will not work?


Re: Hunt Them Down

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:06 pm
by Davinci
OK, I just tested this again, there is no-one displaying the TC, not even the Divisional Commander, this is before or after couriers are dispatched!


Re: Hunt Them Down

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:10 pm
by con20or
very interesting - i didnt see it in any of the change logs in patches...cant wait to try it when i get home!