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A Few Questions

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:40 am
by Hancock the Superb

Here are my questions. 1st:

If there is the option of 1:1, or a different sprite ratio, then how will the maps complie with this?

And I forgot the other one!

Re:A Few Questions

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:43 am
by 69th NYSV
Will the game take advantage of multi-core CPU (dual/quad) and/or GPU (SLI/Crossfire)?

Re:A Few Questions

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 8:21 pm
by Hancock the Superb
My other one:

How is the progress so far?

Re:A Few Questions

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:34 am
by norb
I know I've answered the 1:1 sprite thing more than once here. Got to find that response.

The game will NOT take advantage of multicore nor sli. Last report was that SLI mode crashed after about 40 minutes. I don't know anything about it and honestly I'm not going to learn just don't have the time. My plan is to have a good demo for people to run to see how it performs on their machines, then go from there.

Re:A Few Questions

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:41 pm
by ironsight
When spec'ing in my PC, I researched SLI or more accurately ATI Crossfire which my Intel MOBO only supports and came to the conclusion it wasn't worth the extra 20 to 30% of the added video benefit it would provide.
Some other reasons; added cost of a 2nd graphics card, probable PITA to install/setup, potential PC unstability problems, more heat generated in the box which might require additional cooling fans and a larger capacity power supply. Besides i'm a nVidia fan.

Instead i went with the best single graphics card i could afford, a nVidia GTX280 and never looked back.
Although running dual graphics cards would make a noticable improvement depending on the game or specific PC it wasn't justifyable in my case.
Same story with a third party sound card since my MOBO already supports up to 7.1 channel audio which more than serves my purpose.

Geuss i woulda went with these extras along with a RAID system if i had the extra money to throw away.

Re:A Few Questions

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:03 pm
by estabu2
From all the test that I have seen, it doesn't seem like the extra VC, either ATI or NVidia, does enough extra to really justify the added card. I have the 4870 and it seems like all the test show marginal increase in performance from Crossfire.

Give me smooth gameplay and decent graphics and I will play the game all day long.

Re:A Few Questions

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:56 pm
by Vonviper
I agree estabu2

computer parts, vid cards, ram, cpu's 4 6 10, what have you
are so advanced now they just got to sit back awhile and let the gaming world catch up

most new cpu's quads etc.. dadada are geared for multi apps

the latest computer game engines etc.. doesn't really need all that power of a 4x cpu and so on....

great for runnin a fortune 500 company thats world wide
some dude in a office cube with 5 flat screens going at once hahahaha

Re:A Few Questions

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:19 pm
by Hancock the Superb
What I am saying is:

Will the maps enlarge themselves if the sprite ratio is decreased.

Oh, another question, will the formations be flexible? For example, if I want one half of the regiment to turn and attack, and the other to stay where it is, is this possible. And will there be dynamic stuff, like troops retreating from a bloody fight or provest marshels and stuff.

Re:A Few Questions

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:41 pm
by JC Edwards
Troops retreating from a bloody fight = Probable.
A Provost-Marshal in the middle of a battle = Very Unlikely.

Exhibit A:

Re:A Few Questions

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:06 pm
by norb
maps won't enlarge themselves, but you can set the scale.