McPherson's Ridge

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McPherson's Ridge

Post by born2see »

This may come dangerously close to whining but I'll try not to. So I'm playing McPherson's Ridge add I only see one objective. The one in front of Davis's Brigade. I rout the 147th new York and I think OK three brigades against two, I have a shot. I'll get it, hold it, and at what appeared to me 1000 pts per minute I'll be good. Well, the 42nd Mississippi takes off like a bunch of scared rabbits and I go to plan B.

Having learned from the Brigade scenarios to throw history out the window, I figure I'll TC Archer's brigade,move it over there and with insurmountable odds in my favor, I'm going to win. I mean why mess with the Iron Brigade if you don't have to, right? But noooo! When I get there, Heth gets a 1000 points and the objective disappears only to reappear by the Toll House (I think that's what it is) surrounded by the same Union guys I moved Archer away from in the first place.

Now who's fiendish idea was that? I see it was designed by that Tewes guy and revised by Little Powell. Probably just to torture novices like myself.

My question is should I have anticipated that given it was really ahistorical to move Archer like that and expect to win. And how do you plan for that unless you've played the scenario before? I suspect it's done on purpose to simulate the uncertainties of war. Should you always think in those terms when planning?

As usual your comments and advice are appreciated. And don't hesitate to laugh hysterically at me while you're at it. :S

Last edited by born2see on Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Those in whose judgment I rely, tell me that I fought the battle splendidly and that it was a masterpiece of art.” - George McClellan to his wife describing the battle of Antietam
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Little Powell
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Re: McPherson's Ridge

Post by Little Powell »

It's setup that way to simulate what happened in the actual battle. First Davis took the northern part of the field by routing the Union regiments in that area, then both brigades concentrated in the area of the McPherson's Barn. Keep in mind you only need Davis and one regiment to get the North objective.. Use all of your forces available (including artillery) to take the McPherson barn objective.
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Re: McPherson's Ridge

Post by born2see »

Easy for you to say! Just kidding. :) I knew there was too much going on historically for my tactics to be correct. An interesting thing happened though. Archer was captured, not waiting to get over a fence but way to the north. Aliens? His replacement was found aimlessly wandering the fields looking for his command.

I hope you and anyone else reading these posts knows most of the time my tongue is firmly inserted in my cheek. ;)

Thanks. Off to fight the Iron Brigade...
"Those in whose judgment I rely, tell me that I fought the battle splendidly and that it was a masterpiece of art.” - George McClellan to his wife describing the battle of Antietam
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