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working on mods

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:06 pm
by alessillo
hello all,

I'm working on two mods, the first is the conversion of my Frederick the Great mod from TC2M to SOW Gettysburg, the second is the ZULU mod, but at the moment I have a problem and I need some help.
In both mods there are troops without firearms (Cavalry and Zulu warriors), they fight charging against the enemy; well, I made a new wapon in rifles.csv with all values set to 100 yards (autocharge distance for cavalry) and I made a oob with this rifle for cavalry. The result is great, as soos as an enemy unit is in range, the cavalry unit charges; there is only a problem, if the enemy unit is an artillery battery unlimbered, the cavalry regiment do not charges, but dismounts and begins to fire. The same appens with Zulu warriors: do you have any idea to solve this problem?


zulu charging without textures

Re: working on mods

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:06 pm
by born2see
I don't have an answer but I look forward to the mod. Isandlwana and Rorke's Drift - cool...

Re: working on mods

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:44 am
by Michael Slaunwhite

Yes it does look cool. I am wondering how you show the warriors throwing their spears? I mean I don't know if this game engine can handle spears hurtling through the air or not.

Also if you can pull that off maybe there is hope that we can see cannon shells flying through the air.


Re: working on mods

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:41 am
by norb
Have you tried giving them a rifle with a very short range?

Re: working on mods

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:53 am
by Armchair General

Yes it does look cool. I am wondering how you show the warriors throwing their spears? I mean I don't know if this game engine can handle spears hurtling through the air or not.

Also if you can pull that off maybe there is hope that we can see cannon shells flying through the air.

I didn't think they were used to throw. I think more to jab and stab with than throw. If you throw and miss, you've lost your weapon.

Re: working on mods

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:58 am
by Michael Slaunwhite

Yes it does look cool. I am wondering how you show the warriors throwing their spears? I mean I don't know if this game engine can handle spears hurtling through the air or not.

Also if you can pull that off maybe there is hope that we can see cannon shells flying through the air.

I didn't think they were used to throw. I think more to jab and stab with than throw. If you throw and miss, you've lost your weapon.

Now that makes allot of sense.

Thanks Armchair General. Oh one more thing, are you the Armchair General which does reviews on games which deal with Strategy?


Re: working on mods

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:59 am
by born2see
I think you're right AG, here is quote from Wikipedia "Iklwa. A short Zulu thrusting weapon, so called because of the sound made by the spear as it impaled the body and the sucking sound it made as it was withdrawn from the body."

Re: working on mods

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:37 am
by Armchair General
Thanks Armchair General. Oh one more thing, are you the Armchair General which does reviews on games which deal with Strategy?


Nope! I made the name in the 7th Grade, when I joined the MMG Forum. At the time, I didn't know that Armchair General was a strategy website/magazine. By the time I learned that, the damage was already done, and when I made the user name here, I just made the same name so people would know who I am at both forums. It was kind of embarrassing when I learned that Armchair General was a real big thing...

Re: working on mods

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:20 pm
by alessillo
miksela: the spear is used as a sword in my melee animation, other warriors have the knobkerrie a sort of club.

norb: I made several tests with shorter ranges, like 40, 30 or 20 and even 10 yards, both cavalry and infantry remain at a few yards and begin to fire. This appens only against artillery, when the enemy is cavalry or infantry the autocharge distance works fine but against a firing battery the autocharge distance don't work.
this is a cavalry unit charging infantry in autocharge range

here a cavalry unit, at close range from an artilley battery, dismounts and begins to fire: I don't know why the cavalry do not charge the enemy that is in autocharge range.

Re: working on mods

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:14 pm
by Little Powell
I don't know why the cavalry do not charge the enemy that is in autocharge range.
IIRC, autocharge against artillery was taken out of the game because it caused a bug.. I can't remember what the bug was, but I want to say it caused units to get stuck on artillery or something like that.. Maybe Rebbugler remembers what it was.