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Help! Overwhelmed! Even in the tutorial!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:13 am
by serpus
Hello friends,

I would hate to think that this game is just too hard for me, but it just might be. I feel completely overwhelmed ingame, especially when I have to command more than one unit around the field.

Is there a way to play as only one unit (or smaller) so I can get the feel of things? I feel that I were only responsible for a smaller unit I could better understand the orders system and navigation of the field.

Re: Help! Overwhelmed! Even in the tutorial!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:01 am
by Beef Stu
well you can try the sandbox feature, but even in that the smallest level of control would be brigade commander so you would still have several regiments to keep up on. best bet, is the P button. Type the P to pause the game, you can not issue orders while paused, but it will give you time to get your bearing and figure out what to do. simply type p again to unpause. Believe me everything is alot easier then it looks.

Re: Help! Overwhelmed! Even in the tutorial!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:03 am
by Marching Thru Georgia
It's been a while since I played the brigade tutorial. But if I remember correctly, the player begins with 2 regiments. Later, several more arrive. Concentrate on just maneuvering those two to defeat the small brigade that first attacks. Forget about the rest of the tutorial. Practice changing formation and moving a regiment into a flanking position. Also, take some time to read the manual so you'll know what all those buttons do. DO NOT use Historic mode on the setup screen. That will glue you to the saddle. Also, use the pause key frequently so you can stop the action and plan what you want to do and figure out what buttons to push.

Once you feel comfortable in controlling those two regiments, take active command of one or two more regiments that show up. In no time, you'll be commanding the entire brigade.

Re: Help! Overwhelmed! Even in the tutorial!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:45 am
by born2see
I hear you brother. I'm brand new to this game myself and I feel that way most of the time. Here's my advice for what it's worth. MTG is right. The first part of the Brigade Combat tutorial is a great way to learn. Follow the instructions and move your two regiments in place just like the Staff Adviser says. Form them into a line facing they Rebs and wait until they come at you. At some point you'll get a message saying you've got a another regiment awaiting orders. I move them to attack on the left flank of the Rebs. You'll win every time.

If you play this a number of times you'll get more comfortable and the confusion will pass. The other thing is, like MTG says; read the manual. It will answer just about all of your questions.

Re: Help! Overwhelmed! Even in the tutorial!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:58 am
by Michael Slaunwhite

Little Powell, could you pound out a couple of beginner oobs? You are about the best one to ask since you have the talent to pound them off in quick succession when needed (not to forget, your scenario's are first rate all the way).

Wouldn't it just be easier for someone to create a "Beginner OOB" so that the new people can just control 1 or 2 regiments instead of the standard allotment?

Fear not serpus, if LP gets on it, it will surely be done.


Re: Help! Overwhelmed! Even in the tutorial!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:15 am
by Little Powell
I'd be happy to make some simple OOBs.. I just need to find the time! :)

I should be able to whip up a couple later this week.. I can make a really small one with just a brigade.. Like Lockwood's brigade of William's division, Slocum's Corps, it was only two regiments strong.

Re: Help! Overwhelmed! Even in the tutorial!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:11 pm
by con20or
A scenario where you have a brigade, and encounter an enemvy brigade piecemeal could be useful?

Make each enemy regioment hold/defend at various points and you could march to each at your leisure, good manouvering practice and also attack practice.

Re: Help! Overwhelmed! Even in the tutorial!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:47 pm
by Armchair General
I'm glad I'm not the only one! :laugh:

I've played TC2M for years and can command an army easily. But on this game, it seems like the action progresses so much faster. I'm just starting to get set up, and wham, get smacked with an attack. I don't think I've won a game yet! B)

Re: Help! Overwhelmed! Even in the tutorial!

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:46 am
by Damned Black Hat
I would recommend learning how to control your brigade on the defensive first. It will be more challenging to coordinate an attack, but once you learn the basics of commanding your troops you will be in good shape.

I'd also suggest learning how to use a Confederate brigade. For the most part, they are generally better quality and have more troops.

Re: Help! Overwhelmed! Even in the tutorial!

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:25 pm
by Little Powell
I started making a small brigade size OOB and then I realized it's kind of pointless since the current OOBs can be set to brigade size in the Sandbox Options. If you pick the Sandbox Day 3 OOB, pick Lockwood's brigade. He only has three regiments. There are also CSA regiments that are the same (Davis of Heth's divisione etc.)

Serpus - There's lots of good advice in this thread. If you still need help just let us know.