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Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:54 am
by Amish John
Are past polls available for new members to vote on? When I used the drop down menu to see the past polls, I didn't see any choices.


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:12 am
by norb
I'm not sure we have any past polls here. We had some on the old site, but they weren't brought over. We'll have to check this out when we do the next poll. Thanks.


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:38 am
by Amish John
Just to be clear, I'm talking about the polls this web site has on the top right of the home page, not polls forum members post (if we can even do this here). If I remember right, the current poll is the third one I've voted on here at NSD. The previous one asked what level of the chain of command I wanted to control. Did the first one ask what historical period we preferred?...can't remember due to my great advanced age.


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:27 am
by JohnD

I republished all the polls for you. I need to find a better way of archiving these things. For now, ya git the whole nine yards.


John D.

P.S. Lemmee know when you got what you need. I just checked to see if there was an easy way to provide a public archive for polls--no joy. I don't want the frontpage of the portal to look like a test. I got the poop I needed from the first two polls so I'll be takin' 'em down when yer done.


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:51 am
by Amish John
Now I feel quilty for making you guys do work on a Sunday night. I just thought it would be good for new members to be able to offer their opinions on the same issues as those of us who joined earlier.


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:07 am
by JohnD
Yep, I hear ya. But I need data and I have a good idea about what the population size is right now. I intend to refine these polls over time (and others yet to be hatched) and re-run 'em new about every six months. So you and the new folks will see them again down the road.

Thanks for your interest in our project. Listening to the crickets around here is never encouraging...but it is a kewl ambient noise. Now I'm back to .csv land... B)

Stay low, and keep up the fire!


John D.