When is the next GCM game?

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When is the next GCM game?

Post by SamSmith »


I just picked up SoW and would love to give GCM a shot. Is there a set time when I should get on to find a game? And do I need to have teamspeak?

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Re: When is the next GCM game?

Post by Turbotay »

There is no set time for games, but most people begin showing up around 4pm EST, with a game forming around 5ish, and carrying on into the night. Team Speak isn't necessarily required, but it's definitely a good thing to have. Even if you don't have a microphone, I would recommend downloading it, so you can at least hear what everyone on your side of the field is planning.

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Re: When is the next GCM game?

Post by SouthernSteel »

If you don't have teamspeak, TT there will clothesline you.

I show up around 7 PM EST pretty much every weekday, and there is usually a game around then.
"The time for compromises is past, and we are now determined to maintain our position and make all who oppose us smell Southern powder, feel Southern steel."
Jefferson Davis, 1861
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