Sandbox - Starting Army Positions

Game won't run. Keeps crashing. Hopefully we won't get any posts here, but if we do, we'll try to help you out. You can also post any bugs that you find here. IMPORTANT: Don't post mod related problems here!
the reb
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Sandbox - Starting Army Positions

Post by the reb »

How do we get the armies starting positions further away from each other? Presently, they just overlap which is no fun!!!!

thanks all,
the reb
Marching Thru Georgia
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Re: Sandbox - Starting Army Positions

Post by Marching Thru Georgia »

If you are using army-size OOBs then you'll need to use the Alpine map.
I can make this march and I will make Georgia howl.
the reb
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Re: Sandbox - Starting Army Positions

Post by the reb »

That's a true yankee response....
just kidding.

This is what I offer. First, it's a game enhancementt that should be considered. On any Sandbox game with the new laarger army OOB's the armies starting positions overlap and it's a free for all, no fun.

The designer knows the following:

1)Map parameters or coorinates.
2)How much map area any army would require for any given map

With this knowledge, and bassed on the Commander's Position, and the center coorinates of the map, the armies could be spread a distance apart based on a calculated distance of map areaa and army position area.

Granted, easier said than done, but it would enhance this game or at least I think ot would.

the reb....
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Re: Sandbox - Starting Army Positions

Post by Marching Thru Georgia »

I believe a better solution is to have the option to change the men to sprite ratio from 4:1 to 10:1, the same as TC2M. Then larger battles could be fought on the Gettysburg maps, and would be more than just two unbroken lines of men marching across the battlefield to slug it out. This is on the list for the next patch.

Regardless of the ratio though, the max number of sprites that can be used seems to be ~10,000 per side. Past that limit, the AI appears to freeze for long periods of time. Regiments of each side will stand just a few yards aways from each other and do nothing.

Until the patch comes out, give the Alpine map a try with two 35-40,000 man armies. There is plenty of room to hide and maneuver. I play that way quite frequently and am amazed at how good a game the AI gives me when it has the men and room to work with.
I can make this march and I will make Georgia howl.
the reb
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Re: Sandbox - Starting Army Positions

Post by the reb »

I don't know what a sprite exactly is (perhaps a troop) but I got lucky using the Sharpsburg OOB on I believe the Pickett Trimble Map. This had to be about 80,000 plus combined troops and the starting distance betwween the armies was enough to enjoy a battle. Now, using the Gettysburg OOB, no chance of getting a space between armies.

So for Christmas, I would like a patch fixing what I believe is a game flaw in the Sandbox. can I get this on lay-a-way?

the reb.....
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Re: Sandbox - Starting Army Positions

Post by norb »

It's something we will look at in the patch.
the reb
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Re: Sandbox - Starting Army Positions

Post by the reb »

Thank you Santa Norb....

I love your game (the graphisc excell) and I know there is a lot a work involved. I just have a slight problem with this (please excuse me) flaw....

OH!!! More maps in the stockings please....

Thank you sir.
the reb
the reb
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Re: Sandbox - Starting Army Positions

Post by the reb »

Hey Norb and Company,

How we making out on this improvement?
the reb
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Little Powell
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Re: Sandbox - Starting Army Positions

Post by Little Powell »

Hey Norb and Company,

How we making out on this improvement?
the reb
I'll have to look to see if there's a report in on it. I'm sure there is, if not we'll get one in. I'm sure it'll be fixed for the feature patch.
the reb
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Re: Sandbox - Starting Army Positions

Post by the reb »

Thanks Litle Powell,

It's not my intent to knock the game because I know there is alot of work and pride put forth, but it would mean alot to those of us who play against the AI. I must admit that the AI is a good opponent for me, but I don't have a chance to get organized because the damn armies are too close (on the good maps) and my guys rush forward to fight where perhaps I want them to hold and there is just not enough time....Maybe there is command that will hold the entire armie, but still, the armies need separated as much as possible. Man, this would make the game.....With some future maps and all the OOB, the combinations are endless and that's fun, fun and fun.

the reb
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