League Multiplayer Campaign is Here!

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Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:37 am

League Multiplayer Campaign is Here!

Post by Neal »

The Armchair Generals Multiplayer League campaign game has arrived...

The men and the objectives are the same, but now YOU are in command! Will you and your men find glory on the fields of Gettysburg? Only by enlisting today will you find out!

Our first campaign will be a systematic recreation of some of the most critical and intriguing battles of the battle of Gettysburg as captured by the Norbsoftdev team.

This campaign is open to all league members and slots will be filled by the command staffs of each side. Each battle will be set piece, as designed by the SOWG development team, but with humans in command of every unit, the opportunity to change history is ever present.

This campaign is designed to utilize the excellent scenarios and setups as found in the box version of the game as a basis. From there, the officers of both sides will shake down their commands and new league officers will hone their skills at commanding legendary brigades. Will you prove your men worthy of their sobriquets? Will you gain a reputation as a hero of the battlefield?

And yet more glories await... As soon as the multiplayer OOB editor is released, the Armchair Generals team will get to work finishing the strategic campaign and customized OOBs for the second , more dynamic campaign. In the meantime, enlist today and don't miss out on the fun, starting soon!

Campaign start date will be announced shortly.
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