This sucks

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This sucks

Post by norb »

So I'm using this razor scraper to get some glue off the counter. Some gets stuck in the blade. So I have these pliers and I'm pulling out the blade. It won't budge so I push forward. Wouldn't you know it, damn thing runs right across my knuckles, slices two fingers. (told this all before, but needed the back story for this post).

Well it's starting to heal and it ends up that I sliced a tendon in one of my fingers and I can extend the tip of my next to pinky finger on my right hand. Usually not a big issue, but being a coder I'm a touch typist. So now every time I go for the +/= button or the ones around there, I hit the wrong damn button. It's getting mighty irritating :angry: Slice a few more and I'll look like Bob Dole :)
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Re:This sucks

Post by ironsight »

Oh man, Ouch!
Norb you realize you're probably gonna start a bunch of scar stories with this thread. Since misery loves company, here goes some of my stories.

I've got a small machine shop in my basement including a metal milling machine. If any of you are familiar with milling machines you know end mill bits are sharp, real sharp.
Yep while placing a workpiece in the vise i accidently ran my hand across that end mill bit. One inch flap of skin about a 1/16th of an inch deep.

Or i had a large weight drop on one of my little fingers, darn near severed the tip off. Later at the emergency room the doctor had to remove the finger nail to stitch it up.

Or years ago while fabricating a sheet metal prototype for one of my old employers, i lifted a 5foot by 8foot 18ga. sheet metal stock for cutting. Wouldn't you know it that thing slipped down my hand and just about cut off a section of said hand including my other little finger. Sheet metal edges are as sharp as a razor. The bone along with some tendons got cut requiring stitching up of the tendon and around 20 outside stitches.
I won't even go into my old Harley war wounds.
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Re:This sucks

Post by chantilly »

I've done just about every type of construction work, both residential & commercial. I used to hate hurting myself, but like ironsight, I also worked for a miscellaneous metals company. Hands are still scarred from just grabbing the stuff wrong, and even though I used to wear sunglasses most ot the time in the field - my optometrist tells me I have permanent scarring in my eyes from all the filings.

The dumbest way I've ever hurt myself though was when I was a kid with a BB gun. I was out in the woods in the dead of winter and everything was frozen. Nothing to shoot at, so I put a nickel down on the frozen pond I was standing on and thought I'd assisinate O'le Jefferson. Standing right over it, I got him alright, but the BB ricocheted straight up and got me right on the top edge of my eye socket, opening up my eye-brow. Talk about stupid..... I'm lucky I'm not blind in that eye.
Armchair General
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Re:This sucks

Post by Armchair General »

Well I'm not old enough to have any hardcore work-related scars covering my body. So I'll just tell one of a football injury, not nearly as serious as some I've seen, but I still think it's cool to talk about. We were playing against our rival, like top rival, like Red Sox-Yankees rival, so anyways we were driving down the field and when I went to go tackle someone, my thumb got bent back enough so that a tendon slipped a bit and now I can still roll the tendon in my hand even after a couple of years.
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Re:This sucks

Post by Amish John »

OK, so I guess we're doing our weird injury stories. When I was about 10 we were playing hide and seek at night. No moon, pitch black. I was hiding behind some bushes along a house. I heard the person looking for me just a few feet away. Figuring he'd find me anyway I ran out yelling "I give up!" and ran right into a concrete clothesline pole. Knocked me out cold and left a lump like an egg above my eye. Ahh..the good old days.
You can get farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.
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Re:This sucks

Post by ironsight »

Some great stories we can laugh and brag about now.

your story kinda struck home as my mother refused to let me have a BB gun because "you'll shoot your eye out"!:(

Eventually i got the BB gun and a bunch of us would play 'war' with our trusty Daisy air rifles. Yeah actually shooting each other with BB's!:ohmy:
Looking back, its a miracle none of us got our "eyes shot out".
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Re:This sucks

Post by tim »

No real injuries to myself (except broken collar bone playing Rugby) but my wfie did the same as you Norb. Cut her tendon on her thumb when putting out the rubbish - had a broken glass in the bag. She had to have it operated on and wore a strange sling for four weeks to kept the thumb straight. To make matters worse we had a two year old and the missus was 7 months pregnant! No anesthetic in the operation! Have you had a doctor look at it?
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Re:This sucks

Post by bedbug »

I'm ancient, accident prone, and have worked with sharp objects and machinery my whole life and have a much, much longer list than any person of reason should have.
Tendons are things to preserve so I hope you're taking care of it, Norb.
JC Edwards
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Re:This sucks

Post by JC Edwards »

Let's see.........I've broken both pinkies (one from playing baseball as a kid), the big toe on my right foot, half of my right hand (try playing Bass like that!), dislocated my left hand pinkie (and it still is......but I can still play the Bass :lol: ), sliced my right hand fore-finger down to the bone while working at Planet Hollywood (and still managed to play a gig 2 days later.....with finger triple bandaged and all!!), cracked the 3 lower ribs on the right side of my body when I fell trying to clean the back panel/vent of a grill at a job I had at a spa in Napa Valley, CA ( this coming the night before the 1st show of a 3 show weekend in Berkeley, CA - Phil Lesh & least it was Phil Lesh playing Bass that weekend and not me!):lol:

Oh........not too mention when I was 19, and a roofer, I compressed my lower back when I fell off the top of a 3 story farm house we were remodeling and landed on my feet.:woohoo: Not ONE broken bone:ohmy:

Yes....I can still play the Bass.;)
Last edited by JC Edwards on Sat Sep 20, 2008 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:This sucks

Post by norb »

Great stories, misery loves company.
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